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Certified Web Animator Apprentice (CWAnim-apprentice)

Web Professional Certification Overview – Web Animator Apprentice

Based on research of industry needs and competencies and skill sets identified as essential for Web technology workers, has designed the following guidelines and learning objectives as a foundation for those pursuing knowledge, experience, and/or careers as Web Animators. The guidelines and objectives are designed to make the learning experience comparable to one experienced in high school or college courses by providing course descriptions and learning objectives. After reviewing and confirming knowledge in the CWAnim-apprentice guidelines, individuals may take the Certified Web Animator Apprentice Certification Exam.


The WOW Certified Web Animator Apprentice (CWAnim-apprentice) examination measures fundamental competencies for aspiring or practicing Web Animators. The examinee must demonstrate basic knowledge of animation concepts, drawing and creation tools, audio, marketing, accessibility, animation project management, and ethics and legal issues at the standard defined by this test specification. The skills and knowledge measured by this examination are derived from an industry-wide and worldwide job task analysis which was validated through a survey of scores of animators. The results of the survey were used in weighting the domains and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of that content to the job requirements of a WOW Certified Web Apprentice Animator. The intent is to certify individuals in a baseline body of knowledge that is identified and accepted as the baseline or foundation of any Web Animator.

The exam contains 70 questions. Examinees have 60 minutes to complete the exam. The exam is currently only available in English and only available online.

NOTE: This examination blueprint for the WOW CWAnim-apprentice examination includes weighting, test objectives, and example content. Example topics and concepts are included to clarify the test topics and should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all the content of this examination. Questions are pulled from pools; therefore, not every area may be tested on any given exam.

The table below lists the domains measured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented in the examination.

Topics of the exam include:

Domain % Of Examination
Animation Basics and Concepts 55%
Drawing and Creation Tools 15%
Audio 10%
Marketing 5%
Accessibility 5%
Animation Project Management 5%
Ethics and Legal Issues 5%

Examination Description

The examinee selects, from four (4) or more response options, the option(s) that best complete(s) the statement or answer(s) the question. Distractors or wrong answers are response options that examinees with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose, but are generally plausible responses fitting into the content area. Test item formats used in this examination are:

Multiple-choice: The examinee selects one or more options that best answer the question or completes a statement.

Matching: The examinee matches one option with the definition that best answers the question or completes a statement.

Sample Directions: Read the statement or question and, from the response options, select only the option(s) that represent(s) the most correct or best answer(s).

Content may include the following. Since questions are pulled from pools of questions, not all aspects may be covered on every exam. Below is a list of topics for each course objective.

Examination Domains and Topics

  1. Animation Basics and Concepts
    Content may include the following:

    • Types of Symbols
    • Value of Symbols
    • Library
    • Walk Cycle Concepts
    • Human Walk
    • Animal Movement
    • Lip and Beat Sync
    • Organic Movement
    • Movement Study
    • FPS
    • Onion Skinning
    • Types of Frames
    • Layers
    • Use of Tweens
    • Rotation and Axis
    • Stage
    • Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
    • Squish and Squash
    • Scale
    • Velocity and Speed
    • Acceleration
    • Easing
    • Time Calculations
    • Looping
    • Objects vs Symbols
    • Text
    • Path
    • Stride and Pace
  2. Drawing and Creation Tools
    Content may include the following:

    • Preview Controls
    • Creating Buttons
    • Timeline
    • Interface
    • Basic Drawing Tools
    • Path Tools
    • Viewing
    • Hand Tool
    • Color Selection
    • Outlining
    • HTML Packaging
    • Video Formats
    • Optimization
  3. Audio
    Content may include the following:

    • Inserting Audio
    • Optimizing Audio
    • Volume Mixing
    • Voice Over
    • Audio Compression
    • Types of Audio
  4. Marketing
    Content may include the following:

    • Types of Animations
    • Commercial
    • Public Service Announcements
      Target Audience
    • Demographics
    • Culture
  5. Accessibility
    Content may include the following:

    • Types of disabilities
    • WCAG
    • Semantics
    • ARIA
    • Accessible styles
    • Focus and DOM order
    • Accessibility tree
    • Contrast
    • Alternate text
  6. Animation Project Management
    Content may include the following:

    • Project management
    • Time management
    • Version control and change management
    • Backups
    • Storyboarding
    • Design Process
    • Requirements
  7. Ethics and Legal Issues
    Content may include the following:

    • Basic elements of a contract
    • Copyright, fair use, trademarks
    • Social media
    • Creative commons
    • Intellectual property
    • Licenses
    • Attribution
    • Common Infringement Issues
    • Piracy