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Certified Web Technologies Developer Apprentice CWWebTech-Apprentice

Web Technologies is a combination of many different high demand, high growth and high paying fields. The Web Technologies Certification is a great starting credential for career pathways including: Web Game Developer, Web Application Developer, Website Designer, Web Support Technologist, Web Technologies Educator, Web Marketer and Web Entrepreneur.

Careers are built on learning, experience, portfolios and credentials. This certification is designed to give the achiever acknowledgement for a broad scope of learning, and sets them up for their next steps in career growth and advancement. This international certification documents a breadth of understanding.

The growth of web-based careers has been accelerated since 2020 as more and more companies, small businesses and entrepreneurs shift to improving operational flexibility. Enterprise leaders want their organizations to be able to nimbly react to external forces on their ventures (such as pandemics, social unrest, financial instability, globalization). Innovations built upon the web in engaging customers, building relationships and conducting business has become key for solopreneurs to large global companies. It is the skilled and talented web professionals who will be able to guide companies and their clients through whatever the future holds.

Professionals in the world of web and web technologies must have the knowledge and skills to create, design, and implement. They must be able to identify useful and appropriate technologies, understand pressures on business and systems, foresee hazards and understand how to communicate and interact with target audiences.

The Certified Web Technologist Applied Apprentice/Associate exam measures fundamental competencies for aspiring or practicing web technologists.

A Web Technologist needs to understand the underlying technology that makes all the sites, apps and games on the web possible. This certification covers traditional and new Industry and technology trends including: Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Web Servers, Protocols, Web Coding, and Client vs. Server side.

There is more to being a web technologist than just the technical side, as web professionals are expected to rise to the occasion and lead. This exam also measures the applicant’s understanding of the validity of web information, web project management, intellectual property, privacy and workplace ethics.

The skills and knowledge taught through the course come from an industry-wide and worldwide job task analysis. The result is an interlocked courseware and exam that has become an accepted baseline of aptitude for any web technologist. All our courses deliver project-based learning experiences from the point of view of the creator, a technique that provides students with a sense of what it is like to work in the field and devise real-world solutions for real customers.

The exam contains 70 questions. Examinees have 60 minutes to complete the exam. The exam is currently available online and in English.

**Note: the exam blueprint for the exam includes weighting, test objectives, and example content. Example topics and concepts are included to clarify test topics and should not be interpreted as a comprehensive listing of exam content.

The table below lists the domains measured by this exam and the extent to which they are represented in the exam.

Exam topics include:

Domain % of Exam
Industry Trends and New Technologies (IoT, Blockchain, AI, Security) 20%
Web Games Dev 10%
Web Apps Dev 10%
Websites Dev 10%
HTML5, CSS3, JS 25%
Web Project Management 5%
Ethics, IP and Copyright 5%
Validity of Information, Creating Content for the Web 5%
Web Development Tools and Technologies 5%
Web Servers, Protocols, Client Side Technologies 5%
Total 100%

Exam Description

The examinee selects, from three or more response options, the option(s) that best complete(s) the statement or answer(s) the question. Examinees unprepared for the exam are likely to choose “distractor” answers which sound plausible enough to be a correct answer but are in fact incorrect. The exam formats are:

Multiple-choice: The examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.

Multiple-response: The examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.

Sample directions: The examinee reads the question or statement and, from the response options, selects the option(s) that represent(s) the most correct or best answer(s).

Prior to the Exam: A complete career-ready portfolio must be available for review by the designated proctor before the exam time. The course instructor must approve and recommend the examinee to sit for the IIRC exam.

Proctored Exam: After completing the supporting course and receiving the recommendation of the local instructor, the student may sit for a proctored exam at their school. To help reduce barriers to students, will sign a free proctoring agreement with any institution delivering the supporting course. Students from anywhere in the world can take the exam and receive industry credentials to launch their career at their current educational institution.

Delivering the Courseware: There are no requirements to teach the course. The Web Professionals endorsed courseware is designed to be facilitated by any educator who has a passion for teaching and an interest in the exciting world of web and apps. Educators delivering this coursework are provided with a free Professional Educator membership.

Our Commitment: is continually updating and adapting to the needs and requirements of industry and career education. It is our mission to make sure our certifications continue to open doors to new careers and career advancement.

International and Stackable: If you have questions about how to deliver this certification exam, access the courseware, or how the applied apprentice or associate certifications stack, please contact us.

**Note: all Applied Apprentice Industry Certifications may be stacked to earn Associate Level Industry Certification. All Associate Level Certifications may stack towards more advanced Associate Levels.

Examination Domains and Topics

  • Web Tech Internet Basics
    Content may include the following:
    • IP addressing (IPv4 and V6)
    • Browser layout engine differences
    • Domain registration and DNS
    • Site hosting
    • File naming conventions (including case sensitive names)
    • Protocols (TCP/IP, FTP/ sFTP, http/ https)
    • Sitemap
    • Code validation
  • Security Basics
    Content may include the following:
    • Anti-malware
    • Firewalls
    • DOS and DDOS
    • SPAM
    • Cyber Warfare vs Cyber Security
  • Web Content for the Technologist
    Content may include the following:
    • Connecting to the Audience
    • Creating and optimizing images, text and video
    • Brevity, Focus, Persona and Voice
  • HTML
    Content may include the following:
    • HTML elements and attributes (including comments and proper coding techniques)
    • HTML coding fundamentals (paragraphs, headings, quotes, entities and related)
    • Differences between head and body tags
    • Links and anchors
    • Data tables
    • Lists
    • Semantic markup
    • History of HTML
    • Presentation vs. content
    • Images and videos
    • File Paths
    • Information architecture
    • Accessibility
  • CSS
    Content may include the following:
    • CSS syntax
    • Selectors, properties, values
    • CSS transitions
    • CSS transforms
    • Responsive design techniques
    • Box model
    • Colors, backgrounds, borders,fonts
    • Cascade Style Sheets
  • Web Design and Graphics
    Content may include the following:
    • Color theory
    • Image optimization
    • File formats PNG, SVG, MP4,MP3
    • Resolution and file size op
    • Whitespace
    • Corporate identity and logo use
    • Proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast
    • Aesthetics and Styles
  • Web Project Management
    Content may include the following:
    • Project management, program management, portfolio management
    • Code commenting and documentation
    • Scope (and scope creep)
    • Time, Cost and Risk management
    • Leadership and Planning
    • Backups and recovery
    • Requirements
    • Website and Software Life Cycles
  • Ethics, Professionalism, IP and Copyright
    Content may include the following:
    • Copyright issue, fair use, and trademarks
    • Intellectual property
    • Ethical Behavior in the Workplace
    • Cost of Unethical Behavior
    • What makes a Professional
  • Web Servers, Protocols and Server vs Client Side Applications
    Content may include the following:
    • Servers and Clients
    • Web Technologies Programming and Standards
    • Getting Data to the User
    • Ports and Firewalls
  • Trends in Web Technologies
    Content may include the following:
    • IoT – Internet of Things
    • Blockchain for Industry and Banking
    • AI and the Web
    • Virtual Reality
    • Cyber Warfare and Local and Global Cyber Security
    • 360 and the Web
    • Voice Controlled Web