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Member Benefits

  1. Web Professional Education. Education is one of the key areas for Web professionals. Due to the Web’s  rapid evolution into electronic commerce and full-featured information delivery system, Web Professionals are having to learn a whole new range of skills. will provide for its member’s professional education through its strategic alliances with multiple academic and training institutions, offering discounts on world renowned training programs and conferences.
  2. On-line Training. Not everyone is in a position to avail themselves of professional training courses. Online training will be provided by both self-study tutorials on the and by a set of links to organizations that provide quality education materials. Those who desire the self-study approach will find the necessary information here to improve skills and learn new techniques. In addition, our website will keep on top of the latest breaking news of interest to webmasters.
  3. Web Professional Certification Program. aka the World Organization of Webmasters has developed a certification program that combines relevant education with an examination assuring professional competency.
  4. Employment Information. An Employment Information Section will provide member information on prospective positions of employment. Our corporate members will be able to use this service to offer employment opportunities to webmasters worldwide.
  5. Web Professional Tools and Techniques. Webmasters are increasingly being called upon to develop more sophisticated web sites, and to produce them more quickly. In response to this demand a wide variety of new software-development tools have come on the market. aka World Organization of Webmasters will provide its members with information of the latest developments in this area, including comparative reviews.
  6. Members Advantage Program. aka World Organization of Webmasters is currently working with many internationally recognized corporations to offer discounts to our members. This includes reduced rates for our members on magazine subscriptions, telecommunications, insurance, software, hardware, and much more.

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