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Web Pro LA::Call for Participation!

IMG_0455Join the Los Angeles Web Professionals User Group and the World Organization of Webmasters (WOW) for and evening of networking and presentation on Monday Evening, October 5, 2009 at 6:30 PM at the training offices of Moviola, Training Center for Avid, Apple & Adobe located at 1135 North Mansfield Avenue • Hollywood, California 90038.

This evening event is a free to local Web pros and WOW members. In addition to great networking opportunities, food and prizes, guest speakers will be speaking on the topic of “Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver”.

Food and drink will be provided at the event thanks to Nokia, the WOW organization and and the Los Angeles Web Professionals User Group.

Prizes from major book publishers like New Riders, Peachpit will also be offered to all visitors. Join us and please RSVP today!


6:40 PM Doors Open (Enjoy FREE FOOD & SNACKS thanks to this months sponsor)

7:00 PM Meeting Starts, Introduction, Words from our sponsor.

7:10 PM Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS4

7:45 PM Break

8:00 PM Reusing Web Content for Mobile-Nokia

8:45 PM Program Ends

9:00 PM Raffle

(learn the ins and outs with designing CSS based web sites in Dreamweaver from our amazing presenter for this meeting!!!)

Proud Sponsors!
