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WOW Certified Professional Web Administrator

Program Overview

Based on research of industry needs and competencies and skill sets identified as essential for Web technology workers, WOW has designed the following guidelines, learning objectives, and resources athose pursuing knowledge, experience, and/or careers as Web Administrators and or Webmasters. The guidelines, objectives, and resources are designed to make the learning experience comparable to one experienced in college-level courses by providing exam descriptions and learning objectives.


The WOW Certified Professional Web Administrator Associate (CPWA) examination measures essential competencies for practicing Web Developers. Examinees know most, if not all, of the information found within the following described domains. Typically, they have at least two years of professional experience. The examinee must demonstrate knowledge of Site Admin & Maintenance, Networking Basics, Hardware and infrastructure, Web Business Management, Security at the standard defined by this test specification. The skills and knowledge measured by this examination are derived from an industry-wide and worldwide job task analysis which was validated through a survey of hundreds of designers. The results of the survey were used in weighting the domains and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of that content to the job requirements of a WOW Certified Professional Web Administrator . The intent is to certify individuals in a body of knowledge that is identified and accepted for a professional Web Administrator.

Recommended Books

Site Administration and Maintenance

  • The Website Administration Guide by Rick Stout

Networking & Security

  • Sams Teach Yourself Networking in 24 Hours by Matt Hayden. Publisher: Sams, ISBN: 0672320029
  • Maximum Security, (4th Edition) by Anonymous, et al. Publisher: Sams, ISBN: 0672324598

Network Hardware and Infrastructure

  • How Networks Work by Frank Derfler and Les Freed. Publisher: Que, ISBN: 0789727536

Web Business Management

  • Web Project Management: Delivering Successful Commercial Web Sites by Ashley Friedlein. Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 1558606785