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Certified Web Designer Associate

Certified Web Designer Associate Program Overview

Based on research of industry needs and competencies and skill sets identified as essential for Web technology workers, has designed the following guidelines, learning objectives, and resources as a foundation for those pursuing knowledge, experience, and/or careers as Web Designers or Webmasters. The guidelines, objectives, and resources are designed to make the learning experience comparable to one experienced in college-level courses by providing course descriptions and learning objectives. After completing the CWDSA guidelines and resources, individuals may take the WOW Certified Web Designer Associate Certification Exam.


The Certified Web Designer Associate (CWDSA) examination measures essential competencies for aspiring or practicing Web Designers. The examinee must demonstrate knowledge of Internet basics, HTML including HTML5, CSS3 and WYSIWYG editors, Web graphics, Web multimedia, Web site design, Web site management, and basic legal issues at the standard defined by this test specification. The skills and knowledge measured by this examination are derived from an industry-wide and worldwide job task analysis which was validated through a survey of hundreds of designers. The results of the survey were used in weighting the domains and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of that content to the job requirements of a Certified Web Designer Associate. The intent is to certify individuals in a body of knowledge that is identified and accepted as the baseline or foundation of any Web Designer.