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30 years ago this week (March 11, 1989), Tim Berners-Lee submitted his proposal for an information management system. A lot has happened since that initial proposal. Without a doubt, the WWW has had a significant impact on our society. Personally, I have been learning about web technologies since 1992 (27 years). I am amazed at the scope and scale of changes I have witnessed in nearly three decades. Our organization was founded in 1997 (this April will mark 22 years for us). And, we have witnessed profound changes over that time as well.

Renew our focus on core principles

In the past 30 years, the WWW has morphed into what we know today. There are growing divides and these have been discussed in the open letter written by Sir Tim Berners-Lee on March 11, 2019.

We believe it is time for governments, companies, and citizens to formally commit to the principles outlined in the Contract for the Web. The key points outlined in this contract are cited in the bullet points below:

  • Governments should:
    • provide access to the web and Internet for everyone,
    • make certain the web and Internet is available all the time and all content is available,
    • recognize and respect the fundamental right to each individual’s privacy.
  • Companies should:
    • keep the web and Internet access affordable and accessible to everyone,
    • respect the fundamental right to each individual’s privacy (and personal data),
    • support technologies which put people first.
  • Citizens should:
    • create content and collaborate,
    • foster strong communities where everyone feels safe and welcome,
    • do their part to keep the web open and public.

We signed, did you?

As a member supported organization helping aspiring and practicing web professionals, we have always adhered to the core principles discussed in the above letter. We have signed the Contract for the Web to reaffirm our commitment. We signed as an organization and we encourage members and others reading this to sign as well.

The WWW has created many opportunities and we are at a key point in the evolution of this medium. As an organization, we support continued efforts to create the web we want. We encourage all to do their part.

Best always,
Mark DuBois
Executive Director and Community Evangelist