Web Professional Survey – Call for Participation!
Dear Web Professional Colleagues,
WebProfessionals.org (aka the World Organization of Webmasters) has a 20 year history of supporting practicing professionals and those that teach. To better support practicing and aspiring Web professionals including teachers we are working to keep web-related occupational classifications up to date. At the request of the U.S. Department of Labor, we will continue to support the O*NET (Occupational Information Network) initiative as an important and primary source of occupational information. O*NET. Prior efforts have culminated in better classification of both web adminstrators and web developers (at the O*Net site).
O*NET is now taking steps to create the occupational classification – Search Marketing Strategist
Why is this important?
* Results will help support Web professionals everywhere
* Teachers and schools that teach Web professional topics need a guide to focus their curriculum strategies
* Students need an integrated career pathway program that is based on web-based science and technologies and that maps to employer demand
What we need from you:
Participation from industry professionals in the following study.
U.S. Department of Labor Study – Search Marketing Strategists
Description: Employ search marketing tactics to increase visibility and engagement with content, products, or services in Internet-enabled devices or interfaces. Examine search query behaviors on general or specialty search engines or other Internet-based content. Analyze research, data, or technology to understand user intent and measure outcomes for ongoing optimization.
You are considered an Occupation Expert if you meet the following criteria:
- At least 5 years of experience with the occupation. Includes those who are now supervising, teaching, or training IF you have at least one year of practice during your career.
- Currently active in the occupation (practicing, supervising, teaching and/or training) and based in the U.S.
If you meet these criteria and are interested in participating as an occupation expert, please email or call Tammy Belcher at the O*NET Operations Center at RTI International (the O*NET data collection contractor) 877-233-7348 ext. 119 or tbelcher (at) onet.rti.org and provide the following:
- Name/ # years of experience
- Address with city and state
- Daytime phone number
- Email address
- Do you have at least one year of practice in the occupation and are you still active?
- Indication that you are a Web Professional
Process and Participation Incentive:
A random sample of experts responding to this request will be invited to complete a set of questionnaires (paper or online versions available). $40.00 in cash and a certificate of appreciation from the U.S. Department of Labor will be included with the questionnaires.
We encourage you to consider helping to keep information about your profession accurate and current for the benefit of our colleagues and the nation. Thank you very much for your support.
Mark DuBois
Executive Director