Technology Sector Skills Summit and Workshop San Francisco
Call for Participation – Become an Effective Advocate for the Tech Sector and Education!
What: Reach out to the CIO’s and Hiring Managers within the Technology Sector
Specifically: We’re looking for people within the Technology Sector that have responsibility for hiring or managing people who work in the Technology Sector.
We’re interested in what Technology Sector leaders think about:
* The knowledge and skills required for positions for Technology Sector jobs
* Recommendations for higher education, secondary ed and HR
* Trends in the Technology Sector
* Supporting Technology Sector education
When: March 19, 2013, 9am –1pm (includes lunch)
Where: Hilton Hotel Financial District San Francisco, CA
More Detail:
The half-day Technology Sector Skills Summit – San Francisco is the first in a planned series of national Technology Sector workforce-related summits that bring together qualified Technology Sector leaders, Technology Sector trade and professional associations, Technology Sector workforce employers and educators to address specific skills required by Technology Sector workers today.
The goal of the event is to develop a system of industry-driven, collaborative and timely resources that can be used by education and policy decision-makers to support development of the technical and knowledge workers required for the Technology Sector labor market.
The workshop will also explore the future of the Technology Sector industry and meaningful partnerships to train the next generation of Technology Sector workers, while developing short term solutions to today’s workforce challenges.
Education, Workforce, and Economic and Policy decision-makers will be invited to experience this actionable industry summit and workshop.
Why this matters:
•Technology Sector employers have difficulty filling jobs, even in this period of high unemployment.
•Education and workforce outcomes do not adequately lead to employment and economic outcomes.
•Our intellectual property is being shipped offshore, and we are falling behind in the global economy.
•Our youth can communicate and play using technology, but they can’t work using technology.
•Partnerships between industry, education and government need to improve.
Addressing the Needs for the Technology Sector:
The Technology Sector Summit and Workshop – Linking Economic, Employment, and Education Outcomes event is a strong call for action. There is little doubt that education and training are critical to enhancing the competitiveness of U.S. businesses in the global economy, and to ensuring that U.S. workers are able to obtain well-paying jobs and careers. According to a 2009 report from the Business Roundtable, more than 60 percent of U.S. employers experienced difficulty finding skilled workers at the height of the recent economic downturn, despite national unemployment rates that continue to hover near double digits. Invited guests will include a diverse group of Technology Sector stakeholders, ranging from representatives from the Technology Sector industry segments including Internet related organizations, Technology Sector hardware and software manufactures, Web and networking and telecommunication companies.
CIO level Technology Sector Professionals ranging from the following industry segments will be participating.
•Enterprise Technology Sector hiring managers
•Medium sized Technology Sector hiring managers
•Small business Technology Sector hiring managers
•Web professional and New Media hiring managers
•Technology Sector trade and professional associations
•Technology Sector Hardware and Software Manufactures
•Healthcare, Financial Services and Hi Tech IT hiring managers
Discussion leaders include:
Beth Devin as EVP & Chief Technology Officer at Manilla
Beth Devin is EVP and CTO, leading Manilla’s Product Development, Technology and Customer Service teams. Beth brings more than 25 years of technology innovation and development experience to Manilla. Previously, Beth was CTO of Inc. and Blackhawk Network. Beth has also held technology leadership positions at the Charles Schwab Corporation, Turner Broadcasting Systems, Pacific Bell Directory and Bechtel. Beth is passionate about building a best-in-class Internet and mobile services that delight users and save everyone time and money.
Supporting Organizations include:
•California Department of Education
•Mid-Pacific ICT Center (MPICT)
* California Community College Chancellors Office
For addition information and participation consideration contact Bill Cullifer, Executive Director, at 916 989-2933 or by completing the following form:
Comments or questions are welcome.