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The Web Professionals Global Organization is proud to work with schools all over the U.S. Today we are highlighting Rocio Reyes, who teaches at the Las Cruces New America School Charter High School in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Rocio’s students are currently working through an animation course and earning Web Animator Certifications from the Web Professionals Global Organization. Executive Director Mark DuBois recently had the chance to speak to Rocio’s class in a video call to share thoughts and answer questions about what it means to be a web professional.

The Web Professionals Global Organization has worked with a number of charter schools like Las Cruces New America School over the years. Parents choose charter schools because they offer something different than traditional schools. Charter schools are often looking for ways to give their students an edge and enable them to set themselves apart in university, community college and the world of work. Rocio saw an opportunity to give her students a chance to set themselves up and stand out through international industry recognized certifications, and the Web Animator Certification does just that. 

Mark and Steve Waddell of CTeLearning spoke with the class about what it means to be a web professional, the importance of certifications, and how the Animation coursework helps prepare them for future educational and career pathways. Thanks to the Learn and Earn partnership led by CTeLearning and the Web Professionals Global Organization, students in Rocio’s classroom are earning Web Animator Certifications for free. These certifications normally cost $100 per student. The certification costs are underwritten by a partnership between the association, some benevolent industry professionals and CTeLearning. School administrators and teachers love how the model gives students the opportunity to earn valuable credentials without overhead costs for the school or parents.

The students heard about how valuable it is to have industry certifications that employers look for, as opposed to certifications designed by testing companies that don’t measure real-world skills. These certifications prepare the whole learner, ensuring students are proficient in animation while also equipping them to work with others in their professional careers. Mark and Steve talked about how important soft skills like communication are in the global economy, where so many people work with colleagues in other time zones and countries around the world. Being well-equipped to meet both technical and non-technical challenges will make these students attractive job prospects one day. 

Rocio said, “Everyone here at LCNAS is looking for a way to give our students a great education, and that includes the confidence and esteem that comes with getting industry credentials. As their teacher, I have to find ways to help my students be future proof. COVID-19 taught us all that we cannot predict the future, but getting my students industry certifications is a way to give them more flexibility regardless of what happens next year or five years from now. Certifications also help them with their college applications. Universities and companies are looking for individuals who stand out, and I want all my students to stand out. I would like to thank my administration for helping me to make this career-building experience happen here.” 

Mark talked about how these students are preparing for their futures: “It is always a pleasure to get to chat with future web professionals. The Web Professionals Global Organization is proud of all of our students who have worked through our career prep certification programs. These students realize that they can begin to improve their future educational and career prospects in the classroom and build real-world projects to take with them on whatever the next steps of their journeys might be. The CTeLearning Animation course and our Web Animator Certification prepare students with not only technical skills but also soft skills that are so important for career success in the global economy. The future for these students in our industry is bright.” 

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The Web Professionals Global Organization is proud to award certifications to students in middle schools and high schools as well as adult learners across the country and around the world. If you or someone you know is interested in learning about the rapidly changing world of the web, contact us today. We would love to speak with you.