Code of Ethics for Web Professionals by Mark | Apr 6, 2021 Have you agreed to our Code of Ethics for Web Professionals? Make sure you check the box, provide your name and email, and click the accept button. Web Professionals Code of EthicsWhether you are a member of Web Professionals Global or not - we ask you to consider agreeing to our code of ethics. If you are a member, we have a separate form after you login. If you are a non-member, but agree to follow our code of ethics, please agree and add your name in the comment field. Professional organizations and associations throughout history establish some sort of standard of operation or minimum standards of conduct which are considered acceptable for the profession and the members they represent. A generally agreed upon Code of Ethics can define the overall aim of the profession, and the ideals to which Web professional workers aspire. As a membership supported organization for practicing and aspiring Web Professionals, we should adhere to a “higher standard.” We should “set the bar” for professionalism for our members. As such, we propose an adherence to a code of ethics and we invite you to participate. To ensure that their efforts will be used for the the common good, Web professionals should commit themselves to making practicing within the of the profession a beneficial and respected one, including promoting an ethical approach to their practice.At a minimum, we should commit to a standard of conduct which should be generally agreed upon. Although we recognize that this Code of Ethics is voluntary and not enforceable by law, we hope and expect everyone to adhere to the highest standards when working in our field.Please review the following stipulations and if you agree please check the box at the top of the text and we will add you to the list. Thank you in advance for your support.What does it mean for Employers, Hiring Managers, Consumers and those that Hire Web Professionals members? If a Web Professionals member works for you full time, part time or by contract, you should expect them to: Be open and truthful. Although we cannot guarantee that all of the members of the Web Professionals community subscribe to this code of ethics, as a professional association we aspire to instill in our members and non members alike the highest ethical standards.Respect and Protect your intellectual property. As Web professionals and more specifically Web Professionals members, it’s our responsibility to protect the intellectual property rights of others including personal data and all electronic media and files. As Web professionals we have a duty and a fiduciary responsible to protect this integrity by adopting and implementing best practices of our customer’s data and to keep it secure.Be Responsive. As Web professionals we owe it to our clients and stakeholders to respond to inquires in a timely manner. Web Professionals members should be candid about their available response time and communicate that to customers in advance.Written Communications: As Web professionals it is our responsibility to effectively communicate to our clients and stakeholders. When making a request of the customer, or when making promises, put them in writing. Despite our best efforts, disputes sometimes happen. Having a well documented and agreed upon relationship will serve both parties. This should include all conversations about who does what and when, work to be performed, timelines, cost and change orders.As members of Web Professionals organization we pledge to perform our duties in the best interest of our clients and customers:Article 1Web Professionals members do their best protect and promote their clients’ interests while treating all parties honestly. We will strive to understand your business and how our efforts can help you better succeed.Article 2Web Professionals members refrain from exaggeration, mis-representation, or concealment of pertinent facts related to negotiating contracts or transactions. We will not try to be “all things to all clients.” Web Professionals members are knowledgeable and competent in the fields of practice in which they engage, or they get assistance from a knowledgeable professional, or disclose any lack of expertise to their client.Article 3Web Professionals members cooperate with other Web Professional sub contractors to advance their clients’ best interests. We collaborate as it typically takes a team to build a world class web site and to provide web services these days.Article 4Web Professionals members disclose any fee or financial benefit they may receive from recommending related products or services. Web Professionals members receive compensation from only one party, except where they make full disclosure and receive informed consent from their client.Article 5Web Professionals members keep entrusted funds of clients and customers in a separate escrow account until the work has been completed and the client has signed off.Article 6Web Professionals members make sure that negotiations are in writing and that contract details are spelled out in writing, signed and that parties receive copies. This includes explaining in detail the process and fees for requesting changes.Article 7Web Professionals members give equal professional service to all clients and customers irrespective of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, handicap, disabilities, familial status, or national origin.Article 8Web Professionals members portray an accurate picture of their services in their advertising and in other public representations. Web Professionals members make only truthful, objective comments about other Web professionals and potential competitors working in the field.Article 9Web Professionals members respect the exclusive representation or exclusive brokerage relationship agreements that other Web Professionals members have with their clients.Article 10Web Professionals charge fair rates for their services. This means we do not undercharge or over-charge our clients. Yes. rates may vary substantially based on years of experience, technical knowledge and a host of factors.As a practicing or aspiring web professional, you might also be interested in receiving our periodic newsletters. We share professional trends, career pathways, educator tips, and much more (sometimes even a horror story or two). We will never sell/ share your contact information as privacy and respect for our community is part of our guiding mission. Be sure to click "I Agree" to this Code of Ethics to record your commitment! Name Business/ School Email Time's up Code of Ethics non-members by Mark | Jan 2, 2019 Have you agreed to our Web Professionals Code of Ethics for non-members? Make sure you check the box, provide your name and email, and click the accept button. Web Professionals Global Code of EthicsWhether you are a member of Web Professionals Global or not - we ask you to consider agreeing to our code of ethics. If you are a member, we have a separate form after you login. If you are a non-member, but agree to follow our code of ethics, please agree and add your name in the comment field. Professional organizations and associations throughout history establish some sort of standard of operation or minimum standards of conduct which are considered acceptable for the profession and the members they represent. A generally agreed upon Code of Ethics can define the overall aim of the profession, and the ideals to which Web professional workers aspire. As a membership supported organization for practicing and aspiring Web Professionals, we should adhere to a “higher standard.” We should “set the bar” for professionalism for our members. As such, we propose an adherence to a code of ethics and we invite you to participate. To ensure that their efforts will be used for the the common good, Web professionals should commit themselves to making practicing within the of the profession a beneficial and respected one, including promoting an ethical approach to their practice.At a minimum, we should commit to a standard of conduct which should be generally agreed upon. Although we recognize that this Code of Ethics is voluntary and not enforceable by law, we hope and expect everyone to adhere to the highest standards when working in our field.Please review the following stipulations and if you agree please check the box at the top of the text and we will add you to the list. Thank you in advance for your support.What does it mean for Employers, Hiring Managers, Consumers and those that Hire Web Professionals members? If a Web Professionals member works for you full time, part time or by contract, you should expect them to: Be open and truthful. Although we cannot guarantee that all of the members of the Web Professionals Global community subscribe to this code of ethics, as a professional association we aspire to instill in our members and non members alike the highest ethical standards.Respect and Protect your intellectual property. As Web professionals and more specifically Web Professionals members, it’s our responsibility to protect the intellectual property rights of others including personal data and all electronic media and files. As Web professionals we have a duty and a fiduciary responsible to protect this integrity by adopting and implementing best practices of our customer’s data and to keep it secure.Be Responsive. As Web professionals we owe it to our clients and stakeholders to respond to inquires in a timely manner. Web Professionals members should be candid about their available response time and communicate that to customers in advance.Written Communications: As Web professionals it is our responsibility to effectively communicate to our clients and stakeholders. When making a request of the customer, or when making promises, put them in writing. Despite our best efforts, disputes sometimes happen. Having a well documented and agreed upon relationship will serve both parties. This should include all conversations about who does what and when, work to be performed, timelines, cost and change orders.As members of our Web Professionals Global organization we pledge to perform our duties in the best interest of our clients and customers:Article 1Web Professionals Global members do their best protect and promote their clients’ interests while treating all parties honestly. We will strive to understand your business and how our efforts can help you better succeed.Article 2Web Professionals Global members refrain from exaggeration, mis-representation, or concealment of pertinent facts related to negotiating contracts or transactions. We will not try to be “all things to all clients.” Web Professionals Global members are knowledgeable and competent in the fields of practice in which they engage, or they get assistance from a knowledgeable professional, or disclose any lack of expertise to their client.Article 3Web Professionals Global members cooperate with other Web Professional sub contractors to advance their clients’ best interests. We collaborate as it typically takes a team to build a world class web site and to provide web services these days.Article 4Web Professionals Global members disclose any fee or financial benefit they may receive from recommending related products or services. Web Professionals members receive compensation from only one party, except where they make full disclosure and receive informed consent from their client.Article 5Web Professionals Global members keep entrusted funds of clients and customers in a separate escrow account until the work has been completed and the client has signed off.Article 6Web Professionals Global members make sure that negotiations are in writing and that contract details are spelled out in writing, signed and that parties receive copies. This includes explaining in detail the process and fees for requesting changes.Article 7Web Professionals Global members give equal professional service to all clients and customers irrespective of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, handicap, disabilities, familial status, or national origin.Article 8Web Professionals Global members portray an accurate picture of their services in their advertising and in other public representations. Web Professionals Global members make only truthful, objective comments about other Web professionals and potential competitors working in the field.Article 9Web Professionals Global members respect the exclusive representation or exclusive brokerage relationship agreements that other Web Professionals members have with their clients.Article 10Web Professionals charge fair rates for their services. This means we do not undercharge or over-charge our clients. Yes. rates may vary substantially based on years of experience, technical knowledge and a host of factors.As a practicing or aspiring web professional, you might also be interested in receiving our periodic newsletters. We share professional trends, career pathways, educator tips, and much more (sometimes even a horror story or two). We will never sell/ share your contact information as privacy and respect for our community is part of our guiding mission. Be sure to click "I Agree" to this Code of Ethics to record your commitment! Name Business/ School Email Time's up
CodeOfEthics by Mark | Mar 5, 2016You must be logged in to agree to our code of ethics. Username or Email Address Password Remember Me Time's up