Web Professionals Academy Course Subscription
Pricing is for the spring semester (2021 only). You must use your school email address when you sign up!
- One time charge – Web Professional Academy Course Subscription – US$60. Select the button below when you are ready to make a one time payment covering your subscription to materials for the entire semester. If you are an existing member of Web Professionals, please click the “Join Web Prof Academy Course Sub” button, then click the word “login” in the popup box and log in before purchasing. DO NOT use the login button to the right hand side of the page, only use the login in the popup box.
Professional associations provide value to the community they serve by advocating to create successful and sustainable programs for the members they serve. Your institution is recognized as a Web Professional Academy. You have access to course materials customized for your school and classes (and have access at a significant discount).
You must be a registered student in a recognized Web Professional Academy to take advantage of these rates. We will review all purchases through this page and reserve the right to cancel any purchase if we determine you are not a registered student in a recognized Web Professional Academy program. In that case, your purchase will be refunded.
If you have any questions regarding this subscription, contact your instructor.
In the event that you need to drop the class for any reason, please contact your instructor as you may be eligible for a partial refund of your subscription fee.
If you wish to contact us by mail, we can be reached at:
WOWP.O. Box 584
Washington, IL 61571-0584
Additional benefits as a student member of a Web Professional Academy
In addition to having access to course materials, you will also receive the following benefits (once we confirm that you are a registered student in a recognized Web Professional Academy).
- Free domain registration for a .design domain via our ICANN registrar portal for one year. Contact our Membership Director for additional information about this benefit.
- A custom subdomain to publish your work at WebProfessionalTraining.org (your instructor will provide you with necessary details to access this resource).
- A one year membership in WebProfessionals.org as a student member.
- Access to our periodic newsletters.
If you need to update your credit card information…
Make certain you are logged in as a member of Web Professionals.org. You should then see a button below which will allow you to change your credit card information. If you need help, please contact our membership coordinator. If you see the note – No Record Found, we do not have that billing information available.