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As 2023 draws to a close, we thought it would be helpful to share some of the articles we have been reading. We have tried to focus on a handful of articles (covering the categories below). As we have noted on previous articles, all links will open in a new browser tab/ window.

Artificial Intelligence

As readers are well aware, the pace of change in AI is hard to fathom. This article summarizes what we should be looking for in late 2023 and early 2024. Perhaps we will look back at this article in mid-2024 and see how the predictions fared.

As you may suspect, the “featured image” accompanying this post was generated by Adobe Firefly.


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 were released on October 5. There are many aspects to consider. We found Craig Abbott’s analysis most helpful (this is definitely worth a read).


If you are even a little curious where CSS might be heading, we encourage you to review Eric Meyer’s article concerning Nuclear Anchored Sidenotes. Of course, you will need a fairly recent version of the Chrome browser with the “experimental web features” option enabled if you want to try out his examples.


JavaScript continues to evolve as well. Here is a good article concerning new features for 2023 and expectations for 2024. Some of the main features discussed including the ability to change an array by copy without mutating the original array. One can also find within an array starting at the end and working backwards.


WordCamp US concluded several months ago. However, these presentations provide an overview of many insights provided at this venue. Of course, the annual keynote address by Matt Mullenweg (State of the Word) is scheduled for December 11 (from Spain). We are definitely curious what will be covered in that keynote.

Feedback please!

It has been a few months since we have posted a “desktop view” article. Do you enjoy reading these articles? What other topics would you like to see us cover (to learn more about)? Please let us know in the comments.