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Self Study Resources

This page page of self study resources was created for those new to the field and or those seeking preparation material for WOW certification exams. Additional resources recommended by practicing professionals for the practicing professional can be found in the resources section of this web site.

WOW recognizes that not everyone has the time to take formalized courses, so WOW supports the idea of self-study. WOW, working with professionals in the field, educators and technical publishers, WOW has created a list of recommended self-study materials*, CD-ROMs and online study material.

* Please note that while WOW supports the idea of self-study, we do not imply that one can only read the books and expect to pass our professional apprentice or expert certification exams. books are not meant to replace actual experience, but act as supplements and/or additional resources to what Webmasters are doing in the field. As such, the self-study books have been optimally designed for those already working in the Web professional space, but who lack the time to take formalized courses that lead to professional certification. In addition, the self-study textbooks are not mutually exclusive, but build upon the skills learned from one to the other. Therefore, upon completion of the course objectives and study materials for each certification, the student who has some experience or is already a practicing Web professional should be able to sit for and pass the exam.

For the WOW Associate Level Titles:

  • WOW Certified Web Administrator Associate: Associate level Web Administrators are responsible for the hardware and software infrastructure supporting Internet communications. These technology professionals possess a strong understanding of servers, routers, security, network management, and systems maintenance.
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  • WOW Certified Web Designer Associate: WOW Certified Web Associates are proficient at blending the art of HTML-coding with the visual arts to create pages that are content-rich and visually pleasing. They are proficient at page layout, image creation and manipulation, interactivity, content creation, project and business management.
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  • WOW Certified Web Developer Associate: Associate level Web Developers are proficient at creating web site structure and interactivity. They use database tools and custom applications to prepare the site for dynamic presentation of content to the visitor.
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  • WOW Certified Associate Webmaster: Associate level Webmasters are proficient at blending the art of HTML-coding with the visual arts to create pages that are content-rich and visually pleasing. They are proficient at page layout, image creation and manipulation, interactivity, content creation, project and business management.
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For the WOW Professional Level Titles:

  • WOW Certified Professional Web Administrator: Professional Web Administrators are masters at acquiring and configuring the hardware and software infrastructure behind successful sites. These technology professionals possess expertise in servers, routers, security, network management, and systems maintenance.
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  • WOW Certified Professional Web Designer: Professional Web Designers are masters of the visual arts and creating look and feel that drives a successful website, that capture and keep visitors’ interest and usable designs that meet or exceed the requirements and preferences of their audience.
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  • WOW Certified Professional Web Developer: Professional Web Developers are masters at optimizing web site structure and interactivity. They use database tools and custom applications to enable the site to deliver the highest quality experience to the user.
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  • WOW Certified Professional Webmaster: Webmasters are practitioners of web communication. They are responsible for all aspects of an organization’s web presence, including web content development, technical operations, and business management. They may have specific areas of expertise, but are most valuable as generalists who can manage all aspects of web operations.Note! The Certified Professional Webmaster exam (CPW) is achieved either by passing the four Associate-level certifications or by passing the CPW exam directly. These certifications are meant for experienced industry professional who have been working in this field.
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For Specialty Titles:

  • WOW Certified Web Consultant-Small Business: Small Business Certified Web Consultants are professionals in designing, building and overseeing Web sites for medium or large companies or personal businesses as the Web manager or project manager.
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  • WOW Certified E-Commerce Manager: E-Commerce Managers are masters at developing and executing web marketing and e-commerce strategies and operations. They understand customer and organizational needs and define and manage the goals and needs of the site.
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