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In recent years, we have frequently discussed the rise of remote and hybrid work. As a global organization, we aim to keep members and readers updated on trends happening around the globe that affect the world of the web. Today, we are highlighting a recent development in the United Kingdom that will likely impact how people work not only in the UK but globally as well. 

In a November 22 policy announcement, the UK government said that individuals grappling with mobility and mental health challenges may soon find themselves compelled to work from home or risk losing vital benefits under the “Chance to Work Guarantee.” This program, introduced by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), is aimed at removing barriers to work for millions of people currently out of work. As part of the plan the DWP will also provide targeted help as part of its £2.5B ($3.1B) Back to Work Plan, including through an expanded program that places people into jobs and provides support to give the best chance of success in a role.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak describes this effort as encouraging people to fulfill “their duty,” as he deemed the current welfare system “unsustainable.” Under the proposed changes, hundreds of thousands of disabled people could face a reduction in benefits of £4,680 (approximately $5,910) annually unless they actively seek remote employment. 

In the past few years, the number of people working remotely in the UK has risen significantly. 40% of workers reported working from home in the winter of 2023, compared to 12% in the winter of 2019. Over 20% of 8 million online job ads between April and October 2023 were remote or flexible, up from less than 4% in 2016.

Although it is too early to tell exactly what impact this new policy will have, it is clear that in the coming months and years more people in the UK will need to be equipped with the skills and tools to work remotely. It is also likely that other countries will soon follow the UK and implement their own policies that encourage those on benefits to seek employment from their homes. 

Even if you are not disabled, learning how to successfully work on a remote and hybrid basis is extremely valuable. The landscape for work is constantly shifting, and many companies are still utilizing remote work policies that were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Web Professionals Global offers the Certified Remote Working Professional (CRWP) course and certification to help those transitioning to the world of remote (and hybrid) work. This comprehensive program not only equips you with the skills to become an expert remote worker, but also empowers you to stand out from your peers in the competitive job market. The bonus Interview Preparation and Freelancer Preparation modules are designed to teach you remote and in-person interview skills as well as how to work as a freelancer or independent contractor. 

At the end of the course, you will have earned your Remote and Hybrid Working Certification from Web Professionals Global. This globally-recognized certification was created by industry professionals who have worked remotely and on a hybrid basis for many decades, ensuring that your newfound skills receive recognition on a global scale.

For more information on our Certified Remote Working Professional (CRWP) course and certification, or to chat with us about our work, contact us today at