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What do we mean by employment trends?

A pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph.

This week’s blog we will seeing the latest trends in the employment (particularly for web professionals).

10 Workplace Trends in 2018

Dan Schawbel provided a forecast for the Top 10 workplace trends for the upcoming year. His purpose is to help prepare organizations for the future by collecting, assessing and reporting the trends that will most impact them. Obviously, most of these impact many industries (not just web professionals).

The top workplace trends for 2018 include:

  • Leaders encourage more human interaction
  • The next wave of learning credentials
  • Companies focus on upskilling and retraining current workers
  • Artificial intelligence becomes embedded in the workplace
  • Financial and mental wellness get prioritized
  • Employee burnout causes more turnover
  • Workforce decisions sway consumer behavior
  • Companies take diversity more seriously
  • The deregulation of labor laws
  • The aging workforce

Graphic with images of many tools (such as HTML5, CSS3, Angular, Vue, Git, PHP and more)

Trends changing how companies hire in 2018 and beyond

The HR world has changed over the past decade. Like every other field, HR is susceptible to changes and trends.

Better interviews = better hires

Traditional interviews aren’t going anywhere, but they’re getting a bit of polishing this year and beyond. If you’re looking to streamline or equalize the interview itself, there are HR software programs that essentially craft your interview script, standardizing interviews across a pool of candidates. Online skill assessments, designed to gauge a candidate’s soft skills, give you more data before a candidate ever walks through your doors in their best interview suit.

Prioritizing diversity

Diversity is a priority in just about every industry right now, and for good reason. Lack of diversity is becoming a significant liability and can lead to issues with an ever-more-diverse public.

Big Data Influence

With the increased use of hiring databases and HR software platforms capable of collecting information on employees from application to retirement, there’s no shortage of information that companies can use.

This article –Trends changing how companies hire in 2018 and beyond has more information for those who are interested.

10 Jobs That Still Can’t Find Enough Qualified Employees

Finding a job is never an easy thing to do, especially given the past decade or so of economic instability. The number of job vacancies in certain sectors is huge, and there are tons of jobs hiring.

Following are some of the jobs that employers can’t seem to fill – (note which one is at the top)

1. Web developers

2. Computer analysts

3. Industrial engineers

4. IT administrators

5. Health and medical administrators

6. Sales managers

7. Marketing professionals

8. Software developers

9. Nurses

10. Truck drivers

You can get more information by reading this article.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

If you are looking for Web Developer jobs then the Bureau of Statistics has summary for the Web Developers jobs. What developers do, work environment, how to become a Web Developer, job outlook, State and area data associated pay and more. Visit this link for the detail.

More Information

There is a wealth of information about many of these careers. We thought this list of resources would be helpful to readers.

This week we focused on the Web Employment Trends in 2018 and how companies hire in 2018 and beyond. We also have seen which jobs employers are not able to fill.

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