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Today we are highlighting an area of our work that many of our members might not be aware of – our continued involvement with O*NET. O*NET is a program in the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The program is described as a “system maintained by a regularly updated database of occupational characteristics and worker requirements information across the U.S. economy. It describes occupations in terms of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required as well as how the work is performed in terms of tasks, work activities, and other descriptors.”

The O*NET program is the primary source of occupational information in the U.S. The O*NET database serves as the core of the project and includes hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors of almost 1,000 occupations covering the entire U.S. economy.

The O*NET database is collected and updated through continuous surveys of workers in various occupations supplemented in some cases by occupation experts. O*NET information is used by millions of people each year. Various O*NET applications include O*NET Online, My Next Move, and other publicly and privately developed apps. This data helps workers connect with training and job resources as well as employers looking for skilled workers. 

Web Professionals Global helps identify occupational experts (typically our members) who are then surveyed to find out more about their training. We do so under our original name, the World Organization of Webmasters. Let’s look at some of the job descriptions our members have helped define over the years for the U.S. Department of Labor:

Our work on O*NET helps the Department of Labor stay up-to-date on job descriptions, thus allowing it to better serve college graduates and other job seekers. 

Visit here for the latest O*NET updates and here for a full list of organizations that assist with data collection for job descriptions.

Get in Touch 

Web Professionals Global’s involvement with the O*NET program enables members to help define these jobs so our certifications stay valid and current. If you are a web professional interested in becoming a member, or if you are a teacher or student who thinks our certifications can help your classroom, contact us today.