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What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. It is also a field of study which tries to make computers smart. As machines become increasingly capable, mental facilities once thought to require intelligence are removed from the definition. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include: Speech recognition and learning.

Why is AI important?

Artificial Intelligence is the machines which are designed and programmed in such a manner that they and think and act like a human. Artificial Intelligence becomes the important part of our daily life. Our life is changed by AI because this technology is used in a wide area of day to day services.

Graphic showinf human and robot arm about to touch

Why Implement AI in Website Development?

More and more users prefer searching for goods directly through the Amazon instead of searching. Large e-commerce companies are changing our attitude to online purchasing and, as a result, to website development. Successful e-commerce companies actively implement innovative technologies in their work such as: chatbots, voice search, and other AI solutions. Here are some benefits of Artificial Intelligence implementation for website development.

  • Make search even faster
  • Make interactions with visitors even better
  • Provide a more relevant customer experience
  • Provide a personalized store experience
  • Even more effective marketing to targeted consumers

You can find many more details in this article.

Artificial Intelligence can be used in Web Development and Marketing

The user interface design process involves a lot a creativity and often starts on a whiteboard where designers share ideas. Once a design is drawn, it is usually captured within a photograph and manually translated into some working HTML wireframe to begin the development process. This takes effort and often delays the design process (and errors may creep in). Instead, one could capture the whiteboard contents in a photo and upload that to an AI routine to generate the prototype website. Sketch2Code, a web based solution has been recently introduced. It relies on AI to transform a handwritten user interface design from a picture to a valid HTML markup code.

For those who want to learn more, we recommend this article for more information.

AI is also being used in other ways, such as Adobe Sensei.

What is Adobe Sensei?

Adobe Sensei uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help you discover hidden opportunities, speed up tedious processes, and offer relevant experiences to every customer. Put simply, Adobe Sensei helps you work better, smarter, and faster. Artificial intelligence makes a smarter enterprise. Adobe brought together business leaders across various industries to share their thoughts on opportunities and challenges for AI in the enterprise. Adobe Sensei puts artificial intelligence at the center of amazing customer experiences.

Find more about this approach (along with an introductory video) at this site.

The Pros and Cons of AI in Web Design

In the digital age, artificial intelligence is permeating all industries; web design is no different. For small businesses with limited human capabilities, AI allow quick interactions with customers to provide them with relevant information. AI in web development can benefit both the user and the organization.

In order to better understand the role that AI plays in web development we need to consider the impact.

Pros of using AI

  1. User experience – This is the most important aspect in web design. If a visitor to your site can’t use it effectively and efficiently, they will go elsewhere. As we know, users of a website are customers (and they will share their experiences). It’s important to make sure that your products are easy to find and customers can easily purchase them. Many customer centric website are beginning to rely on AI to improve the customer experience.
  2. Personalized Content – Content rules (whether it is videos, blogs or articles). By implementing AI on your website you can show audience certain content that is tailored to them. AI can suggest new music, videos and other relevant content for users based on their past behaviors. Users can feel comfortable discovering new content while being confident that they will find it relevant.
  3. Voice Search Optimization – One of the fastest growing design trends for web design is Voice Search Optimization. Since many customers are using their mobile devices more than their desktop, websites often have to optimize for mobile devices. In this aspect, AI can help as well.

Cons of using AI

  1. A Place for Humans – According to a study by 2030 up to 90% of all jobs will be under threat to be replaced by smart machines. This may include web design, graphic design and mobile app design. Since AI has proven to be more efficient in terms of forming content to fit on various devices, will we still need to know how to code?
  2. Privacy Issues – Since AI and machine learning can be built to monitor consumer behaviors and their interactions online, many consumers often feel uneasy. Software such as analytics when combined with AI has unlimited potential to mine customer data and insights. Therefore, it could be scary for consumers because 94% of them want to do business with a company with full transparency.
  3. Impersonal Interactions – Despite how well you have created your chat bots and automated responses, customers may still be able to tell that it was sent by AI. In the digital age, many users still want personal responses; therefore, by implementing AI we are stepping away from those much needed personal interactions.

While there are pros and cons to using AI in web design, we predict a positive future. By implementing AI into web design, we as humans can have more time for creativity and doing other important tasks. Instead of focusing on the negative, we should think about what AI can do for us and how it can improve our interactions. AI is happening (and its use is evolving). For example, some are discussing the integration of AI and blockchain.

For more insights on the pros and cons using AI, we recommend this article written by Larry Head – Disruption Ahead.

Looking at the positive side of using AI in technology, Adobe CEO, Shantanu Narayen, has said “Microsoft and Adobe together is leveraging artificial intelligence to push deeper into customer relationship management and create a brand-new category and industry. Microsoft’s cloud platform Azure enables businesses to process the data at the pace they want and Adobe’s enterprise solutions allow businesses to attract customers to the platform and engage it.”

This CNBC link has more information.

More resources (for those who want to dive deeper)

Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Web Design

How AI is Changing the Future of Web Design

Best AI Website Builders

In this week we focused on the Artificial Intelligence (what it is, why it is important with respect to web design, some technologies using this in web design, and some advantages and disadvantages).  The uses of AI are evolving rapidly; it depends us how we use it in a positive manner.

We always look forward to your comments and feedback.

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