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Web Development Trends

In web development, the saying “the only constant is change” is very true. Web development is changing every second and 2018 is no exception. User expectations are growing and it is more important than ever to build digital experiences that are engaging, fun, and intuitive. Content needs to be accessible everywhere especially on mobile devices. In order to make that happen, new programming languages and frameworks are on the rise, extensions are becoming more compatible, and real time web apps are becoming more popular.

Web Development Trends for 2018

Web Development Trends You Can Expect in 2018

  • Vue JS is getting more popular
  • Functional programming benefits from JavaScript improvements
  • Extensions get more compatible
  • Real-time web apps are getting more popular
  • Progressive web apps grow in popularity
  • Mobile web development continues to expand
  • Material design is being used more and more

Rebecca Vogels’ article has more information on these web development trends.

More on Web Development Trends in 2018

1. In this first article by John Hughes covers these development trends:

  • An Increase in One-Page Website Designs
  • The Decline of the Flash Protocol
  • A Focus on Mobile-First Design Philosophy (Again)
  • The Increasing Importance of Push Notifications
  • The Prominence of Modular Page Creation
  • A Rise in the Popularity of Progressive Web Apps
  • The Perpetual Dominance of JavaScript

2. Anotni Zolciak’s article, focuses more on what kind of technology will matter on both front- and back-end:

  • Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA)
  • Single Page Applications (SPA)
  • Chatbots and Online Support
  • Push Notifications
  • Static Websites
  • RAIL: User-Centric Performance
  • Motion UI
  • Functional Programming: What Is It?
  • Browser Extensions
  • Real-Time Web Apps
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

More Resources

  • Web Development Trends in 2018 article by Kumar Shantanu
  • Eight Web Development Trends Coming In 2018 article by Forbes
  • 8 Top Web Development Trends in 2018 article by MEREHEAD

Reading those articles now here is the conclusion that new frameworks, design trends, user expectations, and mobile developments are changing web development every day. Web development is responding to growing user expectations and design trends. Google’s material design, which is expected to gain even more popularity in 2018 as well. There is also the need to communicate and work together in real time from everywhere. We believe it is important for Web Professionals to know about these new trends and we encourage readers to review these articles..

This week we focused on those new trends emerging in 2018 in Web Professional’s world. We hope you find these resources and overviews useful. We always look forward to your comments and feedback (whether you are a member or not).

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