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February, 2024 Desktop View

February, 2024 Desktop View

February (and a leap year no less). One extra day. Seems like an appropriate time to post my monthly desktop view. For those who already suspect, the featured image was generated by AI (Adobe Firefly in this case).

This is what we are reading and thinking about these days. As always, we look forward to your comments and insights.

Here are some articles we found interesting.

  • CSS – Heydon Pickering posted a rather humorous (and insightful) article concerning utility-first CSS. Assuming readers are familiar with CSS, the article goes into great depth what seems to be happening with some frameworks. Not in a good way at all. But, a rather interesting read. Let us know what you think in the comments.
  • In another article concerning CSS, Stephanie Stimac reviews the CSS property “field sizing.” Although this feature is a trial (you need to set the Experimental Web Platform features flag in Chrome or Edge), it seems to make a lot of sense. Particularly if you are trying to fill out a form and want the input field size to adjust with the content.
  • Our colleague, Aaron Gustafson, posted an interesting article a couple months ago concerning sharing articles on social media without allowing them to be tracked. Lots of insightful information and useful examples. We really encourage you to review his article.
  • For those teaching semantic markup, we thought you might find this article concerning the UX of HTML most interesting. Often, it is how we present a topic, isn’t it?

Ok, a relatively short synopsis of what we found interesting this month. Admittedly, there is much more we could discuss (and will in coming months).

2024 competitions starting soon

Right now, we are focused on our state and national web design and development competitions. They start in early March in conjunction with SkillsUSA. As always, we focus on helping competitors better understand why it is important to understand the problems they are being asked to solve for a particular business. They then need to provide an accessible, semantic, responsive, and workable solution for the client. This is what the judges will then review.

January, 2024 Desktop View

January, 2024 Desktop View

Web Professionals Global hopes that 2024 is off to a great start for everyone reading this post. It is hard to believe January is almost concluded. WOW! That being said, it is time to catch up on various aspects of what we have been investigating recently. Although we don’t specifically address AI in this post, the featured image was generated with Adobe Firefly. Let us know what you are keen to learn more about.

Here are our areas of focus for January:

  • accessibility (always an important topic),
  • CSS,
  • HTML web components
  • JavaScript


We noted the UK government is making changes to the design system to meet WCAG 2.2. For those needing a bit of a refresher – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 was published in October, 2023 by the W3C. Many components are affected by this change (ranging from back links and breadcrumbs to tags). There are also changes to patterns to ask users to supply information and patterns to help users do things.There are also page pattern changes. We encourage you to review the article to learn more. Yes, this is the UK, but we are expecting these enhancements will ripple worldwide relatively soon.


Stephanie Stimac provides a great introduction to CSS media query for scripting support. With the release of Chrome 120 (November, 2023), this support is now available. “Simply, this media query allows you to test whether scripting language are available and tailor page content and styles depending on support.” Progressive enhancement has come a long way since we first started thinking about such concepts.

HTML Web Components

Zach Leatherman provides great insights via his Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components article. “These components layer on interactivity and add behaviors in true progressive enhancement fashion. This is the bread and butter use case of web components.” Of course, he expands significantly in the article and even discusses JavaScript web components. We encourage readers to check this article out. It is well worth reading.

For those who are not that familiar with HTML web components, perhaps the Web Components  in Earnest article will help put things into better perspective.


During some recent internal discussions, I was reminded that we have not touched much on JavaScript and frameworks in a while. Of course, this discussion came up as part of our ongoing web design and development competitions. Hard to believe that we have been doing these competitions on the national stage for over 2 decades (and almost 2.5 decades in Illinois). Which got me to thinking – rather than discuss what is happening with ES and JavaScript, perhaps we should ask our readers for their opinions about the current state of JavaScript. Therefore, what are your thoughts about Vite? For readers unfamiliar, here is the why Vite development guide. How are you using this in your projects today? We look forward to your comments. Perhaps we will focus on additional projects in the coming months. A lot depends on the number of comments we receive *wink wink – now is the time to comment.*

Yes, there are many other articles we could have posted. However, we thought this mix would be a good introduction to what is happening with web technologies as we begin 2024. As always, we appreciate and look forward to your comments.


Taking a Look at Our Work with O*NET

Taking a Look at Our Work with O*NET

Today we are highlighting an area of our work that many of our members might not be aware of – our continued involvement with O*NET. O*NET is a program in the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The program is described as a “system maintained by a regularly updated database of occupational characteristics and worker requirements information across the U.S. economy. It describes occupations in terms of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required as well as how the work is performed in terms of tasks, work activities, and other descriptors.”

The O*NET program is the primary source of occupational information in the U.S. The O*NET database serves as the core of the project and includes hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors of almost 1,000 occupations covering the entire U.S. economy.

The O*NET database is collected and updated through continuous surveys of workers in various occupations supplemented in some cases by occupation experts. O*NET information is used by millions of people each year. Various O*NET applications include O*NET Online, My Next Move, and other publicly and privately developed apps. This data helps workers connect with training and job resources as well as employers looking for skilled workers. 

Web Professionals Global helps identify occupational experts (typically our members) who are then surveyed to find out more about their training. We do so under our original name, the World Organization of Webmasters. Let’s look at some of the job descriptions our members have helped define over the years for the U.S. Department of Labor:

Our work on O*NET helps the Department of Labor stay up-to-date on job descriptions, thus allowing it to better serve college graduates and other job seekers. 

Visit here for the latest O*NET updates and here for a full list of organizations that assist with data collection for job descriptions.

Get in Touch 

Web Professionals Global’s involvement with the O*NET program enables members to help define these jobs so our certifications stay valid and current. If you are a web professional interested in becoming a member, or if you are a teacher or student who thinks our certifications can help your classroom, contact us today.


How Web Professionals Global is Preparing Students and Professionals for STEM Careers

How Web Professionals Global is Preparing Students and Professionals for STEM Careers

In the landscape of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), certifications have emerged as powerful tools that can shape and elevate one’s career trajectory. With the demand for skilled professionals in STEM fields at an all-time high, certifications offer a structured and focused path for individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills, and validation necessary to thrive. 

At Web Professionals Global, we are proud to offer an array of professional certifications that prepare secondary, post-secondary and adult learners for future educational and career success. Our certifications are different from those that testing companies offer, which simply prepare students for a test. Our certifications are created and backed by industry professionals and recognized across both the U.S. and the globe. Students earn certifications by working through real concepts and building real-world projects, such as animation designs and video game designs. We also offer “stackable” opportunities in which students can earn multiple certifications with a single discipline (for example, web development) over time to build increasing levels of expertise. We are always happy to chat with teachers, students, and adults who feel like our certifications can help in the classroom or with professional development. For now, let’s look at a few ways in which our certifications are preparing our members for success.

Closing the Skills Gap

The STEM industry is characterized by its rapid pace of innovation and technological advancements. To meet the demands of this ever-evolving landscape, individuals need to continually update and enhance their skill sets. Certifications play a crucial role in addressing the skills gap by providing targeted and up-to-date training that aligns with industry needs.

Certification programs are designed to cover the latest technologies, methodologies, and best practices relevant to specific STEM disciplines. This ensures that individuals are equipped with the most current knowledge and skills demanded by employers, making them valuable assets in a competitive job market.

Specialized Expertise and Niche Proficiency

STEM careers often require specialized expertise in specific areas, and certifications allow individuals to develop niche proficiencies. Whether it’s web design, animation, video game design or mobile app development, certifications provide focused training that goes beyond the broad scope of traditional academic degrees.

These specialized certifications not only validate a person’s expertise but also serve as a clear signal to employers that the individual has invested time and effort to master a particular skill set. This targeted approach enhances an individual’s marketability, making them stand out in a crowded job market where employers increasingly seek candidates with precise, hands-on knowledge.

Industry Recognition and Validation

Certifications serve as tangible evidence of an individual’s competence and proficiency in a specific STEM field. As industry-recognized credentials, certifications carry significant weight with employers seeking to hire skilled professionals. Employers often view certifications as a reliable indicator of practical, real-world skills, which is crucial in a field where hands-on experience is highly valued.

For job seekers, holding relevant certifications like the ones offered by Web Professionals Global can be a differentiator that sets them apart from candidates without such credentials. Whether entering the job market or looking to advance within an organization, certifications provide a clear and standardized measure of one’s capabilities, increasing the likelihood of career success.

Career Advancement and Increased Earning Potential

In the competitive realm of STEM careers, continuous learning and skill development are key factors for career advancement. Certifications offer a structured pathway for professionals to upskill or reskill, positioning themselves for higher-level roles within their organizations.

Additionally, many employers recognize and reward employees who invest in their professional development through certifications. It’s not uncommon for certifications to be linked to salary increases, promotions, or access to more challenging and rewarding projects. The investment in certifications can yield substantial returns, both in terms of career progression and increased earning potential.

Adapting to Emerging Technologies

STEM fields are at the forefront of technological innovation, and staying abreast of emerging technologies is essential for career sustainability. Certifications from Web Professionals Global enable individuals to quickly adapt to new technologies and methodologies, ensuring they remain relevant and valuable in their respective industries.

Whether it’s mastering video game design, learning web development, or becoming proficient in digital animation, certifications offer a streamlined path for individuals to acquire cutting-edge knowledge. This adaptability is crucial in a landscape where technological advancements can reshape industries overnight.

Building a Network and Community

Certifications from Web Professionals Global offer more than just a piece of paper. Our members are part of a rich community of technology professionals from around the world in countries including Italy, Nigeria, Switzerland, Bahrain, the Philippines, and more. This sense of community goes beyond the classroom or online learning platform, providing our members with valuable networking opportunities. Connecting with peers, mentors, and industry experts through certification programs can open doors to collaboration, mentorship, and job opportunities. Networking with other Web Professionals Global members who have similar certifications can lead to insights, job referrals, and a deeper understanding of industry trends and opportunities.

Meeting Industry Standards and Compliance

In certain STEM sectors, adherence to industry standards and compliance is non-negotiable. Certifications often include components that ensure individuals are well-versed in industry standards, regulations, and best practices. This is particularly critical in fields like cybersecurity, where compliance with security standards is paramount.

Certified professionals are not only equipped with the technical skills necessary for their roles but also possess an understanding of the regulatory landscape. This dual competency is highly valued by employers and regulatory bodies, contributing to a professional’s effectiveness and the overall integrity of their work.


In the dynamic and competitive landscape of STEM careers, certifications emerge as powerful catalysts for success. They bridge the skills gap, provide specialized expertise, offer industry recognition, enable career advancement, increase earning potential, facilitate adaptability to emerging technologies, build professional networks, and ensure adherence to industry standards. Reach out to us today to hear more about our certification programs and how you can join our ranks at Web Professionals Global.

2023 Web Design and Development Trends

2023 Web Design and Development Trends

As we look back at the digital landscape of 2023, the world of web design and development continues to evolve at a rapid pace, ushering in a new era of innovation and creativity. The team at Web Professionals Global has been fortunate enough to see many of these changes up close. This year, designers and developers have pushed boundaries and redefined user experiences. In this article, we’ll explore the trends that have dominated the web design and development scene in 2023.

As a member, you have access to specific links with all thee articles (providing much more detail). Members should view this linked page for access to all those details. If you are not a member, you will be directed to the join page (members should login first).

Immersive and Interactive Experiences

Web designers are increasingly focusing on creating immersive and interactive experiences to captivate users. With advancements in WebGL and 3D graphics, websites are now offering dynamic and engaging content. From interactive storytelling to product showcases, the web is becoming a more interactive and visually stunning space.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

The integration of augmented reality into web design has gained momentum in 2023. AR elements enhance user engagement by overlaying digital information onto the real world. From virtual try-on experiences for e-commerce to interactive educational content, AR is reshaping how users interact with websites.

Dark Mode Dominance

Dark mode has transcended from a trend to a design standard. Offering a sleek and modern aesthetic, dark mode not only reduces eye strain but also conserves device battery life. Major websites and applications are embracing dark mode as a default or optional theme, providing users with a more personalized browsing experience.

Voice User Interface (VUI) Implementation

Voice technology has become more sophisticated, leading to the integration of voice user interfaces in web design. Websites are adopting voice search, commands, and navigation, making it more convenient for users to interact with content hands-free. This trend reflects the growing importance of accessibility and user-friendly interfaces.

Minimalistic and Functional Design

Minimalism continues to be a key design philosophy, with a focus on simplicity and functionality. Clean layouts, ample white space, and intuitive navigation are essential components of modern web design. Striking the right balance between aesthetics and usability, designers are creating seamless and clutter-free digital experiences.

AI-Powered Personalization

Artificial intelligence is playing a pivotal role in web development by enabling personalized user experiences. AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences to deliver tailored content, recommendations, and even dynamic website layouts. This level of personalization enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

Blockchain Integration for Security

With an increasing emphasis on cybersecurity, blockchain technology is making its mark in web development. Blockchain provides enhanced security and transparency, making it a valuable addition to websites dealing with sensitive data. This trend is particularly prevalent in e-commerce, finance, and healthcare sectors.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps continue to gain popularity due to their ability to provide a seamless user experience across devices. Combining the best of web and mobile applications, PWAs offer faster load times, offline functionality, and push notifications, enhancing user engagement and retention.


In the ever-evolving landscape of web design and development, 2023 has been a year marked by innovation, user-centric experiences, and the integration of advanced technologies. From immersive designs and augmented reality to the widespread adoption of dark mode and AI-driven personalization, these trends collectively shape the digital experiences of users worldwide. At Web Professionals Global,we are excited to continue supporting web professionals around the world and see where the industry goes in 2024. Reach out to us today to find out more about our mission of “Community, Education, Certification.”

If you want more details about any of the above information, please view this linked page (members only – be sure to login first).

December, 2023 Desktop view

December, 2023 Desktop view

As 2023 draws to a close, we thought it would be helpful to share some of the articles we have been reading. We have tried to focus on a handful of articles (covering the categories below). As we have noted on previous articles, all links will open in a new browser tab/ window.

Artificial Intelligence

As readers are well aware, the pace of change in AI is hard to fathom. This article summarizes what we should be looking for in late 2023 and early 2024. Perhaps we will look back at this article in mid-2024 and see how the predictions fared.

As you may suspect, the “featured image” accompanying this post was generated by Adobe Firefly.


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 were released on October 5. There are many aspects to consider. We found Craig Abbott’s analysis most helpful (this is definitely worth a read).


If you are even a little curious where CSS might be heading, we encourage you to review Eric Meyer’s article concerning Nuclear Anchored Sidenotes. Of course, you will need a fairly recent version of the Chrome browser with the “experimental web features” option enabled if you want to try out his examples.


JavaScript continues to evolve as well. Here is a good article concerning new features for 2023 and expectations for 2024. Some of the main features discussed including the ability to change an array by copy without mutating the original array. One can also find within an array starting at the end and working backwards.


WordCamp US concluded several months ago. However, these presentations provide an overview of many insights provided at this venue. Of course, the annual keynote address by Matt Mullenweg (State of the Word) is scheduled for December 11 (from Spain). We are definitely curious what will be covered in that keynote.

Feedback please!

It has been a few months since we have posted a “desktop view” article. Do you enjoy reading these articles? What other topics would you like to see us cover (to learn more about)? Please let us know in the comments.

New Policy in UK Prompts a Fresh Look at Remote Work

New Policy in UK Prompts a Fresh Look at Remote Work

In recent years, we have frequently discussed the rise of remote and hybrid work. As a global organization, we aim to keep members and readers updated on trends happening around the globe that affect the world of the web. Today, we are highlighting a recent development in the United Kingdom that will likely impact how people work not only in the UK but globally as well. 

In a November 22 policy announcement, the UK government said that individuals grappling with mobility and mental health challenges may soon find themselves compelled to work from home or risk losing vital benefits under the “Chance to Work Guarantee.” This program, introduced by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), is aimed at removing barriers to work for millions of people currently out of work. As part of the plan the DWP will also provide targeted help as part of its £2.5B ($3.1B) Back to Work Plan, including through an expanded program that places people into jobs and provides support to give the best chance of success in a role.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak describes this effort as encouraging people to fulfill “their duty,” as he deemed the current welfare system “unsustainable.” Under the proposed changes, hundreds of thousands of disabled people could face a reduction in benefits of £4,680 (approximately $5,910) annually unless they actively seek remote employment. 

In the past few years, the number of people working remotely in the UK has risen significantly. 40% of workers reported working from home in the winter of 2023, compared to 12% in the winter of 2019. Over 20% of 8 million online job ads between April and October 2023 were remote or flexible, up from less than 4% in 2016.

Although it is too early to tell exactly what impact this new policy will have, it is clear that in the coming months and years more people in the UK will need to be equipped with the skills and tools to work remotely. It is also likely that other countries will soon follow the UK and implement their own policies that encourage those on benefits to seek employment from their homes. 

Even if you are not disabled, learning how to successfully work on a remote and hybrid basis is extremely valuable. The landscape for work is constantly shifting, and many companies are still utilizing remote work policies that were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Web Professionals Global offers the Certified Remote Working Professional (CRWP) course and certification to help those transitioning to the world of remote (and hybrid) work. This comprehensive program not only equips you with the skills to become an expert remote worker, but also empowers you to stand out from your peers in the competitive job market. The bonus Interview Preparation and Freelancer Preparation modules are designed to teach you remote and in-person interview skills as well as how to work as a freelancer or independent contractor. 

At the end of the course, you will have earned your Remote and Hybrid Working Certification from Web Professionals Global. This globally-recognized certification was created by industry professionals who have worked remotely and on a hybrid basis for many decades, ensuring that your newfound skills receive recognition on a global scale.

For more information on our Certified Remote Working Professional (CRWP) course and certification, or to chat with us about our work, contact us today at

Why are Workforce Development Boards Important?

Why are Workforce Development Boards Important?

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the significance of workforce development boards in facilitating the growth and success of adult learners cannot be overstated. With technological advancements and changing industry demands, the need for continuous skill development has become paramount. Workforce development boards have emerged as instrumental platforms, fostering opportunities for adult learners to acquire new skills, enhance existing ones, and ultimately thrive in an increasingly competitive professional landscape. 

Web Professionals Global works alongside local workforce development boards (LWDBs) in communities across the country by providing certification opportunities to upskill adult learners and prepare them for in-demand and high-paying careers like web design, web animation, web/mobile game development and more. Our members and advisory board have real-world experience in the professional world and our certifications reflect the needs of the world of work that is rapidly changing. 


A workforce development board is a localized entity that operates within a specific region or community and is responsible for overseeing and coordinating various employment and training initiatives. These boards typically collaborate with local businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and community organizations to address the workforce needs and economic development priorities of the area they serve.

Workforce development boards have been known by many different names over the years. They may be referred to by different names depending on the region, governance structure, or specific focus of the board. Local Workforce Investment Board, Workforce Training Board, Employment and Training Board Economic Development Board, Career Services Board, Job Training Partnership Board, and Workforce Partnership or Alliance. 

These boards operate under the guidance of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in the United States and are key to connecting job seekers with training and employment services. Congress funds these entities with federal grants that are passed to the state Department of Labor who then help establish and coordinate the funding for the regional workforce boards and takored programming they offer.

The primary function of a workforce development board is to identify the current and future skill requirements of local industries and businesses. By conducting thorough analyses of labor market trends and engaging in regular dialogue with employers, these boards can gain valuable insights into the specific skills and qualifications that are in demand within their respective communities. Based on this information, they develop strategic programs aimed at equipping the local workforce with the necessary skills and competencies to meet these demands.

They facilitate partnerships between educational institutions, employers, and community organizations, fostering a collaborative environment that fosters comprehensive learning experiences. These relationships between stakeholders and workforce development boards create robust networks that facilitate the exchange of knowledge, resources, and expertise, ultimately benefiting adult learners seeking to enhance their professional capabilities.

Additionally, workforce development boards offer a range of specialized training programs and workshops tailored to the specific needs of adult learners. These programs not only focus on technical skills but also emphasize the importance of soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, and adaptability, which are increasingly crucial in the modern workforce. By incorporating a holistic approach to skill development, these boards ensure that adult learners are equipped with a well-rounded skill set that enhances their employability and resilience in a dynamic job market. This is where Web Professionals Global comes in with certification programs that prepare learners for long-term career success.

Importantly, workforce development boards contribute to the overall economic growth of communities by fostering a skilled and adaptable workforce. By nurturing a talent pool equipped with the latest industry-relevant skills, these boards help attract new businesses, promote entrepreneurship, and drive innovation within local economies. Consequently, this leads to increased job opportunities and a sustainable cycle of economic development, benefitting not only individual learners but also the broader community.

The pivotal role of workforce development boards in empowering adult learners cannot be overlooked. Through their strategic initiatives, these boards not only bridge the gap between education and industry but also promote inclusivity, foster collaboration, and drive economic growth. As the professional landscape continues to evolve, the continued support and development provided by these boards will be essential in ensuring the resilience and success of adult learners in the workforce.

Reach Out to Us Today

Whether you are associated with a workforce development board or just want to learn more about our organization, contact us today to find out how we can work together. Stay tuned to the blog for more on Web Professionals Global’s work with workforce development boards.


Is AI as Environmentally Unfriendly as Cryptocurrency?

Is AI as Environmentally Unfriendly as Cryptocurrency?

This article was written by Daniel Foreman, a member of the Web Professionals Global Advisory Board. You can read more about Daniel here.

The image above was created by the ChatGPT Image Generator by searching the phrase “Environmental cost of AI.” The image depicts a robot holding cash standing next to a factory emitting smoke. 

In the past couple of years, we’ve all become painfully aware of the environmental cost of cryptocurrency. The energy consumption of these digital currencies, driven by the massive demand for GPUs to mine coins, is equivalent to that of an entire nation. This is a major issue that we’ve had to grapple with.

Now, as we begin to emerge from a hectic 2023, we find ourselves in the midst of what can only be described as an AI war. Companies are vying for dominance in this new digital frontier, diverting vast amounts of computational resources to power the training of these services. The environmental implications are startlingly similar to those of cryptocurrency.

Analysts predict that the carbon footprint of AI could match, or even surpass, that of bitcoin mining – a sector that already generates more greenhouse gas emissions than some entire countries. If the AI industry continues on its current trajectory, it’s projected to consume a staggering 3.5% of the world’s energy supplies by 2030

Consider this: one of the leading AI companies spends an estimated $700,000 per day – yes, per day – delivering its online service to 100 million users worldwide. And with the recent integration of Windows Copilot into Windows 11 as a default feature, this usage number is set to soar even higher.

According to the latest available data, ChatGPT currently has over 100 million users. And the website generated 1.6 billion visits in June 2023.

ChatGPT use increases during the school year. Website traffic jumped up nearly 5% from August 2023 to September 2023. 

survey by Savanta reveals that 47% of respondents have used ChatGPT for fun or learning purposes. Surprisingly, 42% of millennials use it for businesses, which is higher than 29% of Gen Z users, 26% of Gen X, and 20% of Boomers.   

Both cryptocurrency mining and AI share a voracious appetite for high-end, powerful GPUs. This surge in AI activity has sent nVidia’s profits skyrocketing 101% since last year, reaching a whopping $13.5 billion dollars.

When an AI is deployed, it undergoes a training procedure that requires hundreds of hours of runtime before it even reaches the end user. It’s estimated that GPT-3, a relatively simple AI model and the predecessor of the current model GPT-4, consumed 1,287 megawatt hours of energy during training using 10,000 GPUs. This process produced as much CO2 as  the equivalent of 123 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year.

And let’s not forget about other language models like BLOOM and LLAMA, which have also consumed significant amounts of power during training. These three models alone have consumed enough energy to fly around the entire Earth 41.25 times.

Once these models have been trained and are up and running on a daily basis, every single query given to GPT-4 on Open.AI is estimated to consume the same amount of power as a 5 watt lightbulb running for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

If we take OpenAI’s 100 million users and assume each user makes one query every day, then that amount of energy used is 6.65W x 100,000,000 = 665 megawatts per day or 242 terawatts a year. To compare, most people spend about 10,000 kilojoules amount of energy per day or about constant of 110 watts for 24 hours.

Currently, it’s estimated that cryptocurrencies draw about 150 terawatts annually. If our estimate of one person making one query a day every day for a year holds true (which is just a guess), then OpenAI on its own is already consuming more power than cryptocurrency.

Additionally, major players in other countries, such as Baidu in China, have entered the AI realm. 

This is a wake-up call for all of us. We need to be mindful of our digital consumption and strive for sustainable solutions in our pursuit of technological advancement. 


Why Are Fewer Companies Requiring College Degrees?

Why Are Fewer Companies Requiring College Degrees?

In recent years, a significant transformation has been underway in the world of employment. The traditional belief that a college degree is an essential prerequisite for many jobs is being challenged like never before. In 2023, we are witnessing a remarkable trend where fewer companies are requiring college degrees when making hiring decisions. This shift is driven by various factors, including a changing job market, evolving workforce demographics, and a growing emphasis on skills and competencies. At Web Professionals Global, we see firsthand how non-degree programs like our certifications help professionals develop their skills and grow in their careers. Let’s dive into some of the factors that have led to this shift:

The Changing Face of the Job Market

One of the key drivers behind the decline in the insistence on college degrees is the evolving job market. As technology continues to reshape industries and create new roles, the demand for specific skills and competencies often takes precedence over formal education. Many of the fastest-growing job sectors for web professionals, such as technology, data science, and digital marketing, value practical skills and hands-on experience over traditional degrees.

The Rise of Skills-Based Hiring

Companies are increasingly recognizing that skills-based hiring can yield more suitable candidates for specific roles. Instead of relying solely on academic qualifications, employers are focusing on assessing candidates’ abilities and competencies directly related to the job. This approach allows companies to identify candidates who possess the skills necessary to excel in their roles from day one.

The Impact of Skills Shortages

Skills shortages in various industries have compelled companies to reconsider their hiring criteria. Many sectors in which web professionals work have seen demand for qualified workers exceed the available supply. To bridge these gaps, employers are becoming more open to candidates with relevant skills, certifications, or vocational training, even if they lack a traditional degree.

Remote Work and Globalization

The rise of remote work and globalization has made it easier for companies to tap into talent pools worldwide. This shift has forced organizations to reevaluate the importance of degrees when hiring remote workers. In a global talent market, companies are prioritizing skills, experience, and the ability to work effectively in virtual teams over traditional academic credentials.

The Changing Attitude of Millennials and Gen Z

Millennials and Gen Z workers, who now make up a significant portion of the workforce, have different perspectives on education and employment. Many of them question the value of accumulating student debt to earn a degree, especially when alternative learning paths and online certifications like those from Web Professionals Global are readily available. Companies are adapting to this generational shift by focusing on what candidates can bring to the table, regardless of their formal education.

Success Stories Without Degrees

Numerous high-profile success stories of individuals (including many Web Professionals Global members) who achieved remarkable career success without college degrees are inspiring both job seekers and employers. These stories highlight that talent, dedication, and a willingness to learn can often trump formal education. Companies are increasingly willing to take a chance on unconventional candidates who can demonstrate their potential and abilities.

2023 marks a pivotal year in the evolution of hiring practices. The decreasing emphasis on college degrees signals a broader recognition of the changing dynamics in the job market. Companies are looking beyond academic credentials to identify the talent, skills, and potential that candidates bring to the table. This shift not only benefits job seekers from diverse backgrounds but also allows companies to access a broader and more talented pool of candidates, ultimately driving innovation and success in an ever-changing business landscape.

Work With Us

If you are a student, young professional or experienced professional, certifications from Web Professionals Global can help you advance in your career. Take advantage of the shifting employment landscape and begin learning in-demand skills today that will help you in the global marketplace.