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How Web Professionals Global is Preparing Students and Professionals for STEM Careers

How Web Professionals Global is Preparing Students and Professionals for STEM Careers

In the landscape of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), certifications have emerged as powerful tools that can shape and elevate one’s career trajectory. With the demand for skilled professionals in STEM fields at an all-time high, certifications offer a structured and focused path for individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills, and validation necessary to thrive. 

At Web Professionals Global, we are proud to offer an array of professional certifications that prepare secondary, post-secondary and adult learners for future educational and career success. Our certifications are different from those that testing companies offer, which simply prepare students for a test. Our certifications are created and backed by industry professionals and recognized across both the U.S. and the globe. Students earn certifications by working through real concepts and building real-world projects, such as animation designs and video game designs. We also offer “stackable” opportunities in which students can earn multiple certifications with a single discipline (for example, web development) over time to build increasing levels of expertise. We are always happy to chat with teachers, students, and adults who feel like our certifications can help in the classroom or with professional development. For now, let’s look at a few ways in which our certifications are preparing our members for success.

Closing the Skills Gap

The STEM industry is characterized by its rapid pace of innovation and technological advancements. To meet the demands of this ever-evolving landscape, individuals need to continually update and enhance their skill sets. Certifications play a crucial role in addressing the skills gap by providing targeted and up-to-date training that aligns with industry needs.

Certification programs are designed to cover the latest technologies, methodologies, and best practices relevant to specific STEM disciplines. This ensures that individuals are equipped with the most current knowledge and skills demanded by employers, making them valuable assets in a competitive job market.

Specialized Expertise and Niche Proficiency

STEM careers often require specialized expertise in specific areas, and certifications allow individuals to develop niche proficiencies. Whether it’s web design, animation, video game design or mobile app development, certifications provide focused training that goes beyond the broad scope of traditional academic degrees.

These specialized certifications not only validate a person’s expertise but also serve as a clear signal to employers that the individual has invested time and effort to master a particular skill set. This targeted approach enhances an individual’s marketability, making them stand out in a crowded job market where employers increasingly seek candidates with precise, hands-on knowledge.

Industry Recognition and Validation

Certifications serve as tangible evidence of an individual’s competence and proficiency in a specific STEM field. As industry-recognized credentials, certifications carry significant weight with employers seeking to hire skilled professionals. Employers often view certifications as a reliable indicator of practical, real-world skills, which is crucial in a field where hands-on experience is highly valued.

For job seekers, holding relevant certifications like the ones offered by Web Professionals Global can be a differentiator that sets them apart from candidates without such credentials. Whether entering the job market or looking to advance within an organization, certifications provide a clear and standardized measure of one’s capabilities, increasing the likelihood of career success.

Career Advancement and Increased Earning Potential

In the competitive realm of STEM careers, continuous learning and skill development are key factors for career advancement. Certifications offer a structured pathway for professionals to upskill or reskill, positioning themselves for higher-level roles within their organizations.

Additionally, many employers recognize and reward employees who invest in their professional development through certifications. It’s not uncommon for certifications to be linked to salary increases, promotions, or access to more challenging and rewarding projects. The investment in certifications can yield substantial returns, both in terms of career progression and increased earning potential.

Adapting to Emerging Technologies

STEM fields are at the forefront of technological innovation, and staying abreast of emerging technologies is essential for career sustainability. Certifications from Web Professionals Global enable individuals to quickly adapt to new technologies and methodologies, ensuring they remain relevant and valuable in their respective industries.

Whether it’s mastering video game design, learning web development, or becoming proficient in digital animation, certifications offer a streamlined path for individuals to acquire cutting-edge knowledge. This adaptability is crucial in a landscape where technological advancements can reshape industries overnight.

Building a Network and Community

Certifications from Web Professionals Global offer more than just a piece of paper. Our members are part of a rich community of technology professionals from around the world in countries including Italy, Nigeria, Switzerland, Bahrain, the Philippines, and more. This sense of community goes beyond the classroom or online learning platform, providing our members with valuable networking opportunities. Connecting with peers, mentors, and industry experts through certification programs can open doors to collaboration, mentorship, and job opportunities. Networking with other Web Professionals Global members who have similar certifications can lead to insights, job referrals, and a deeper understanding of industry trends and opportunities.

Meeting Industry Standards and Compliance

In certain STEM sectors, adherence to industry standards and compliance is non-negotiable. Certifications often include components that ensure individuals are well-versed in industry standards, regulations, and best practices. This is particularly critical in fields like cybersecurity, where compliance with security standards is paramount.

Certified professionals are not only equipped with the technical skills necessary for their roles but also possess an understanding of the regulatory landscape. This dual competency is highly valued by employers and regulatory bodies, contributing to a professional’s effectiveness and the overall integrity of their work.


In the dynamic and competitive landscape of STEM careers, certifications emerge as powerful catalysts for success. They bridge the skills gap, provide specialized expertise, offer industry recognition, enable career advancement, increase earning potential, facilitate adaptability to emerging technologies, build professional networks, and ensure adherence to industry standards. Reach out to us today to hear more about our certification programs and how you can join our ranks at Web Professionals Global.

Announcing our 2023 web competitions

Announcing our 2023 web competitions

We are proud to announce our new and streamlined for states to use for their SkillsUSA web design and development competitions in 2023. This model is based on over 20 years of running web design and development competitions (including 2 decades running the SkillsUSA national web design and development competition – which started as a demonstration competition in 2004). With the COVID-19 pandemic, we gained significant insights in running this competition 100% virtually. We have employed this knowledge as we enhanced our model for 2023. We are also proud to announce that we have been recognized as an official partner of SkillsUSA for 2023.


We have been working with SkillsUSA for over two decades because of how much we are aligned in our vision of workplace needs. The SkillsUSA framework focuses on technical skills in addition to personal skills and workplace skills. This is the exact mix we strive for in our competitions. It is important to know the technical aspects of your trade, and it is equally important to work well in a team environment and follow ethical standards. This is also why we ask readers of our articles to sign our code of ethics (for members and non-members).

Our Internet based competition

This refreshed competition model is the most accessible it has ever been, enabling students to focus on creating innovative projects and equipping facilitators to run the competition seamlessly. Students only need a PC, Mac or Chromebook and an internet connection to participate in the competitions—giving those in rural, urban and suburban areas equal access.

Competitions can be run entirely online, which levels the playing field for students across the country and can give you flexibility should you need n the age of COVID-19 . This new competition model is future-proof and will be able to be implemented for years to come, no matter what the pandemic looks like in coming years.

Our (Web Professionals Global) competition support is free to state SkillsUSA competitions, and the new model makes the judging process more standardized and easier than ever before. States can run competitions whenever they want in 2023 in anticipation of our national competition in June in Atlanta. Please give us time to get your state setup with our online IDE (Integrated Development Environment), online exam, and online competition materials. Obviously each state will need Internet access during the day of competition for all competitors.

Not only does our new approach make it easier for any state to run their own web design and development competition, but it also ensures that every state is conducting their own competition that models the expectations their competitors will need to meet at our national competition. This gives every state — from small to large — the same turnkey resources to ensure a successful competition. This model is intended to only be used for the current cycle of SkillsUSA competitions.


This new model includes:

  • Competition project with all graphic and textual assets that are similar in scope and style to what the competitors will experience at the national competition.
  • Easy-to-apply rubrics help both new and veteran judges quickly evaluate team projects for creativity, design and best practices.
  • Web-based coding editor and folder system allows judges to easily review any state competitor submissions. Judges can review work with just an internet connection, allowing states to have judges join virtually from anywhere.
  • Web-based editor and site storage means your events committee does not have to worry that any competitor’s work can be lost or misplaced—all of it remains safe on the web.
  • Judging preparation materials and training videos are included to make it easy for new judges to quickly get up to speed and be able to deliver consistent judging.
  • Optional competition kickoff and welcome video delivers a consistent message to all competitors as well as some helpful hints about the competition project.
  • Technical back up and support provided by our Web Professionals Global  Organization.
  • Fast and easy sign-up for state SkillsUSA leadership teams to reserve their free competition kit and web-based tools suite.

Contact us now

Because of these new systems Web Professionals Global is implementing for this year, any state can run a turnkey competition and give students an opportunity to build meaningful projects in an engaging online environment. All of this is provided free of charge to any state wishing to have an organized and impactful state-level web design and development competition to prepare their students well for the national competition.

Let us know as soon as you can. As you can imagine, there will be many states taking advantage of all this support, and we need time to be able to deliver all that you need.

Highlighting Our Impact in a New Mexico Classroom

Highlighting Our Impact in a New Mexico Classroom

The Web Professionals Global Organization is proud to work with schools all over the U.S. Today we are highlighting Rocio Reyes, who teaches at the Las Cruces New America School Charter High School in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Rocio’s students are currently working through an animation course and earning Web Animator Certifications from the Web Professionals Global Organization. Executive Director Mark DuBois recently had the chance to speak to Rocio’s class in a video call to share thoughts and answer questions about what it means to be a web professional.

The Web Professionals Global Organization has worked with a number of charter schools like Las Cruces New America School over the years. Parents choose charter schools because they offer something different than traditional schools. Charter schools are often looking for ways to give their students an edge and enable them to set themselves apart in university, community college and the world of work. Rocio saw an opportunity to give her students a chance to set themselves up and stand out through international industry recognized certifications, and the Web Animator Certification does just that. 

Mark and Steve Waddell of CTeLearning spoke with the class about what it means to be a web professional, the importance of certifications, and how the Animation coursework helps prepare them for future educational and career pathways. Thanks to the Learn and Earn partnership led by CTeLearning and the Web Professionals Global Organization, students in Rocio’s classroom are earning Web Animator Certifications for free. These certifications normally cost $100 per student. The certification costs are underwritten by a partnership between the association, some benevolent industry professionals and CTeLearning. School administrators and teachers love how the model gives students the opportunity to earn valuable credentials without overhead costs for the school or parents.

The students heard about how valuable it is to have industry certifications that employers look for, as opposed to certifications designed by testing companies that don’t measure real-world skills. These certifications prepare the whole learner, ensuring students are proficient in animation while also equipping them to work with others in their professional careers. Mark and Steve talked about how important soft skills like communication are in the global economy, where so many people work with colleagues in other time zones and countries around the world. Being well-equipped to meet both technical and non-technical challenges will make these students attractive job prospects one day. 

Rocio said, “Everyone here at LCNAS is looking for a way to give our students a great education, and that includes the confidence and esteem that comes with getting industry credentials. As their teacher, I have to find ways to help my students be future proof. COVID-19 taught us all that we cannot predict the future, but getting my students industry certifications is a way to give them more flexibility regardless of what happens next year or five years from now. Certifications also help them with their college applications. Universities and companies are looking for individuals who stand out, and I want all my students to stand out. I would like to thank my administration for helping me to make this career-building experience happen here.” 

Mark talked about how these students are preparing for their futures: “It is always a pleasure to get to chat with future web professionals. The Web Professionals Global Organization is proud of all of our students who have worked through our career prep certification programs. These students realize that they can begin to improve their future educational and career prospects in the classroom and build real-world projects to take with them on whatever the next steps of their journeys might be. The CTeLearning Animation course and our Web Animator Certification prepare students with not only technical skills but also soft skills that are so important for career success in the global economy. The future for these students in our industry is bright.” 

Connect with us Today

The Web Professionals Global Organization is proud to award certifications to students in middle schools and high schools as well as adult learners across the country and around the world. If you or someone you know is interested in learning about the rapidly changing world of the web, contact us today. We would love to speak with you.

Web Professionals Organization Announces Improved Model for 2022 SkillsUSA Web Design Competition

Web Professionals Organization Announces Improved Model for 2022 SkillsUSA Web Design Competition

The Web Professionals Organization is proud to announce a new and streamlined model for states to deploy SkillsUSA Web Design and Development competitions in 2022.

Building on over 20 years of experience running competitions, including the last two years of competitions run 100% virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Web Professionals
Organization has improved the process for administering competitions at the state level. This refreshed competition model is the most accessible it has ever been, enabling students to focus on creating innovative projects and equipping facilitators to run the competition seamlessly. Students only need a PC, Mac or Chromebook and an internet connection to participate in the competitions—giving those in rural, urban and suburban areas equal access.

Competitions can be run entirely online, which levels the playing field for students across the country in the age of COVID-19. This new competition model is future-proof and will be able to be implemented for years to come, no matter what the pandemic looks like in coming years. Competitions are run for free, and the model makes the judging process more standardized and easier than ever before. States can run competitions whenever they want throughout 2022.

Not only does our new approach make it easier for any state to run their own web design and development competition, but it also ensures that every state is conducting their own competition that models the expectations the competitors will need to meet at the national competition. This gives every state—from small to large—the same turnkey resources to ensure a successful competition. This model is intended to only be used for the current cycle of SkillsUSA competitions.

Highlights of this new model include:

  • Competition project with all graphic and textual assets that are similar in scope and style to what the competitors will experience at the national competition.
  • Competitor coding validator (a simple app) that will automatically check a team’s project and give your judging team a report outlining the quality of coding. This tool does in just minutes what would take a person one hour, dramatically cutting down on judging time.
  • Easy-to-apply rubrics help both new and veteran judges quickly evaluate team projects for creativity, design and best practices.
  • Web-based coding editor and folder system allows judges to easily review any state competitor submissions. Judges can review work with just an internet connection, allowing states to have judges join virtually from anywhere.
  • Web-based editor and site storage means your events committee does not have to worry that any competitor’s work can be lost or misplaced—all of it remains safe on the web.
  • Judging preparation materials and training videos are included to make it easy for new judges to quickly get up to speed and be able to deliver consistent judging.
  • Optional competition kickoff and welcome video delivers a consistent message to all competitors as well as some helpful hints about the competition project.
  • Technical back up and support provided by the Web Professionals Organization.
  • Fast and easy sign-up for state SkillsUSA leadership teams to reserve their free competition kit and web-based tools suite.

Because of these new systems the Web Professionals Organization is implementing for this year, any state can run a turnkey competition and give students an opportunity to build
meaningful projects in an engaging online environment. All of this is provided free of charge to any state wishing to have an organized and impactful state-level web design and development competition to prepare their students well for the national competition.

Career in Web Design and Development in the Age of COVID-19

Career in Web Design and Development in the Age of COVID-19

By Steve Waddell, Director of Education and Training

Traditional retail was already taking a big hit before the days of COVID-19. But the worldwide pandemic has accelerated the shifts we began to see in retail over the last 5 years and accelerated the closing of many retail operations, both big and small. Essentially, the hope for most businesses is to become COVID-proof, meaning serving customers as easily online as in the store. For retailers this means finding a way to take that great customer experience of the store and move it to a strong web presence. 

This means an opportunity is opening up—a new and growing demand for web designers, developers, content writers, and retail experts to help small and large operations convert what they used to do on the sales floor to making the magic happen online. Hard-working and talented retail staff who once walked the sales floors are well suited to take their retail knowledge and sales skills into the cloud to help retailers build success on the web

Before the COVID-19 crisis, web design and web development were already high-growth career paths. Now with companies scrambling to reach customers on the web, every business needs to have their web capacity to reach existing and new customers. To do this, retailers must have skilled web designers who can help bring the retail sales narrative to the business’s website. Selling on the web is a little different than selling in person, but retail skills still translate very well to web design and development. 

Web design and development is a fast-growing STEM career path that offers flexible and fun careers to those who don’t want to report to an office every day. The median salary for the industry is $73K and ranges up to $150K. Let’s take a look at how the retail experience aligns with web design and development.             

What Do Web Designers and Developers Do? 

Broadly speaking, web designers and developers work with clients to market products and services online. Designers utilize text, images and video to create websites and reach intended audiences. Developers write the code that provides the technical foundation of these websites. 

Most web designers and developers keep a foot in both the design and coding worlds. The beauty of this career is that you can weave elegant design with rock-solid code to create a compelling website for your client and site visitors. By merging visual and technical solutions, web designers and developers help their clients succeed and meet business goals. 

How Does Retail Experience Relate to a Career in Web Design and Development?

Retail workers looking to reskill have excellent qualities including working under pressure, talking through problems, taking on new responsibilities, managing time, taking initiative, and serving each and every customer with empathy and respect. Retail helps you learn how to focus on what you can control and not worry so much about the “overly concerned customer in aisle 3.”

In retail, you help people figure out what service or product is right for them. Guess what? Much of that is at the core of what a web designer does—except instead of standing in a store, designers and developers figure out how to reach people through a web presence. Web designers and developers take client ideas, products and services, helping to sell them to targeted audiences. 

Benefits of a Career in Web Design and Development

According to research, 30 percent of the U.S. working population currently freelances in some capacity, and that will grow to 51 percent by 2020. Many web designers and developers freelance and/or work remotely, and that has only increased in the age of COVID-19. Surveys of freelancers show that they are happier and earn more than in previous office jobs. This isn’t a surprise: when the most recent recession hit, companies began to seek ways to cut costs. They began to hire contractors who could work from home, saving on rent, insurance, and utility costs, and allowing freelancers more flexibility over when and where they could work. Web design and development is one of the growing STEM careers that offers unparalleled flexibility and opportunities to work on impactful projects.  

How Can I Get Started?

One of the wonderful things about the coding industry is that you don’t need a four-year degree (or even a two-year degree) to become a trained professional. To get started, you will need to gain technical skills, whether it be through online resources, books, or more organized courses. The easiest way to learn web design and development is to use media-rich courses that utilize images and video to engage you. All you need is a browser and text editor – you want to avoid courses that teach specific applications like Adobe Dreamweaver. Focus on basic skills first like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.  

As you learn, you will build a career-ready portfolio of your work including real-world projects, a digital resume and a portfolio website that will showcase your story to potential employers. This is important to demonstrate your technical aptitude and ability to successfully develop and guide a project from beginning to end. You can also achieve in-demand industry certifications to prove to companies you have a comprehensive skill set and are ready to produce for them on day one. offers an engaging web design and development online course featuring over 200 engaging videos that will tutor you step by step, perfect for visual learners. The course also prepares you to sit for an International Industry-Recognized Certification (IIRC). Try to avoid courses that only offer a course completion certificate. Anybody can issue you a piece of paper saying you completed their course, and the industry knows this. An IIRC will help open more doors for you faster and get you career going quicker. So, take the time as you look around for training to be sure you know what you are getting for your educational investment.   

Reskilling in the Age of COVID-19

Although it can be a scary time, don’t panic. There are numerous opportunities out there for transitioning from retail to a new career. Why not web design and development? The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) offers services for laid-off workers, dislocated workers and those transitioning to new jobs. This helps provide job training to people looking for a new challenge and growing career path. 

The Web Professionals Organization has reskilling courses available for workforce programs, vocational schools, universities, job centers and community colleges. Not sure where to go? Contact the Web Professionals Organization for more information today.

Web Development Certification to Connect Small Businesses in Need of Certified Students Announces Certification Grants to Support Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19, a not for profit association for the global web design, development and web community, is proud to announce certification grants for web students and teachers in the U.S. 

In this unprecedented time that has caused economic and educational uncertainty,, along with industry and member support, is making these certifications available to meet high job demand for web professionals. The goal of this effort is to help the U.S. economy and small business especially pressing now during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“ certifications established with the support of the U.S. Department of Education provide competent and ethical employees and contractors. We’re proud to be a supporter of this important initiative,” said Steve Waddell, Director of Education and Training of and Founder and Lead Developer of curriculum development partner 

How will small businesses benefit? 

Small businesses adjusting to the economic disruptions resulting from COVID-19 will need to improve their online presence to continue meeting customer and client needs. To do so they will need skilled web professionals who also know how to reach target markets. A group of members in the Web Professionals Organization is making these certifications available to meet this high job demand with competent employees and contractors who can ensure businesses stay competitive through a robust web presence.  

Who qualifies?

Qualifying schools in all of the 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico will receive grant certifications for select schools, districts and students.  

How to participate 

Eligible middle and high school students who complete eligible web professional training courses such as Web Development and Design; Coding Internet Games, Apps and Sites; and Web and Mobile Application Coding and Design can apply. certifications have been created with the backing of industry and small business hiring managers making them extremely valuable portfolio additions for students who may wish to pursue high-demand STEM fields and the digital arts as career pathways.

Support material

Courseware offered by curriculum development partners gives students the chance to continue learning from home during COVID-19. Courses can be taught and learned 100% online, so students can continue to grow and work toward these certifications from their own kitchen or dining room table. 


Established in 1997, is a non-profit professional association dedicated to advocacy and supporting individuals and organizations who create, manage and market websites, apps and web technologies. The organization provides education, training resources and certifications for those who work and teach in web technologies as well as those aspiring to enter this growing career field. also manages and heads up the Web Design National Competition with a team of industry experts with SkillsUSA, the largest student to work organization in the U.S.  


Sponsored by the School of web provides web design, web development and web business training and